Asset Protection Planning: How It Works And What You Need To Know


Asset protection planning is the process of making sure your assets are protected from creditors and other potential threats. It's not something you do once, then forget about. It's something that you need to do every year and even more so if you have an estate.

The first step in asset protection planning is figuring out what assets are at risk of being taken by creditors or others who might want them. You'll want to make sure that any assets that could be seized by creditors are kept away from them as much as possible (for example, by putting them in a separate bank account or in your own name). This includes all of your assets real estate, cars, etc. as well as all accounts. If there are any debts owed on any of these items, they should also be included in this category.

Next comes figuring out how much money it will take for these assets to be protected against creditors who may try to seize them or otherwise make good on their claims against them (such as personal injury lawsuits). This amount should be high enough that even if someone did try to seize one of our accounts or property rights due to an ongoing lawsuit against us personally, they would still come out ahead financially..

If you have property outside of your home country (like a vacation home), then it could be wise to secure that property with an insurance policy before moving abroad. This will help ensure that if something happens while traveling abroad with all your belongings intact ike theft or natural disaster. you'll still have access