Best alternative to make money online from watching videos


New member
these days if you go on YouTube, you will find thousands of videos that tells you, that it is possible to make so much money just by watching videos online. the kind of figures they post is really outrageous and if you are like me that have invested so much time on those videos with nothing to show for it, then truly you would be disappointed, as i have come to a realization that you can make money online by watching videos, but not something outrageous like $300 in 2 hours time which most of this youtubers really claim they make from watching of videos.

but is it possible to make money online from watching videos?

i have not yet seen a very mind blowing method yet but i would advise, rather than watching videos online, why not start creating your own videos for people to watch and with this on the long run you would make a lot of money from YouTube and tik tok, rather than believing on all this elusive claims that you can make so much money from watching videos online which is not true, or i have not yet find any platform that i can vouch for that pays you a lot of money by just watching videos online.

i hope this helps someone.