By far, the best business strategy is a business that runs on autopilot.

Where can I find such a business? It's probably fake!

Well the short answer is here

This is a FREE Webinar I recommend you invest some of your time in watching as it will definitely help you achieve financial freedom and go on those holidays you've always wanted ;-)

Now,, let me tell you why you need to have this type of business.

The only aim in running your own business is to have more money and have more time to spend that money with your loved ones. If you run a complex business, you'll need to be on it every day all day, which won't leave you time to enjoy your profit and enjoy quality family time.

I am saying this because I experienced this.

I will not bother you with a super long article here, but I will strongly recommend you watch that free webinar ;-)


2021 has been a year of rapid transformation across all industries as the country has dealt with shifting political and economic climates, as well as mitigating hot-button issues such as climate change. In a year filled with change, there are some trends making their way into the new year that you and your business should keep an eye out for. To lead your business in the right direction as we head into 2022, here are small business growth strategies entrepreneurs recommend.

1.Educate client partners on new
It’s important to inform your clients and partners about changes you’re making to better benefit your business across a shifting economic landscape. If the changes don’t land, it may be time to consider other options, said Larry Kidd, president and CEO of hire. “Our company is in the talent business and [is] painfully aware how much the talent pool has changed,” said Kidd. “We are working with our client partners to educate them on the new management styles, increased compensation packages and other aspects of recruitment and retention.”

2 .Prepare for potential contracting
opportunities with state and federal
The Census Bureau reported this past June that there were more than 4.4 million new U.S. businesses created in 2020, the highest total on record. While business creation has soared, data is showing that a large number of companies have left the state and federal government markets. “The Department of Defense outlined at a recent conference that between 43% and 60% of the small business industrial base is no longer in the federal space,” said Padma Vatsavai, CEO at Vinformatix. “The impact [on] the small business community is due to quite a few changes in state, local and federal acquisition. “Strategic sourcing and category management are the name of the day,” Vatsavai added. “[We’re focused on] building a strong programmatic teaming strategy so that the company can prime or sub any opportunity.”

3. Get creative on sales and marketing
The digital marketing landscape has become increasingly challenging due to congestion and evolving regulations, said Joe Shamess, owner of Flags of Valor.
“This is forcing many traditionally digital companies to explore other sales channels and marketing strategies,” he said. To mitigate these challenges, Shamess said his company is getting creative with its selling methods by expanding its national retail sales channel for select products and growing the company’s Amazon sales channel for its full product catalog.


VIP Contributor
It is not really easy to go into a business that runs on autopilot because you must first of all work for it, you will not achieve it. one of the reasons I like real estate business is because it is one of the best businesses that allows you to make money passively. You simply invest in a property and after some years the value of such property will definitely double or even triple depending on the location in which the property is located. there are a lot of business ideas in 2022 that anyone can go into and make a whole lot of money whether it is online or offline. If you want to make money on autopilot I recommend you go into YouTube. When you have a YouTube channel and you make a video that is evergreen then you will continue to make money on it even in the next 10 years. Starting a YouTube channel is definitely a very good idea especially when you have a lot of things to teach people. To do this you simply need to choose a very good niche like a health and make money online niche as the case may be.


VIP Contributor
This is one of the online marketers y'all should run away from, I'm very sure if the system is working as you said you'll not give it out talk less of doing a webinar about it.

If you attend the webinar they'll try to up sell you some of their other service, all in all you'll just waste your precious time and waste your money, I even created a thread of this kind of people, they're everywhere on the internet space, with a 'bulletproof' rubbish systems that don't work and some gullible people are willing to part with their resources to get it.

If you truly want to make money then you need to offer value and people will come to you with their money and you'll even be begged to to collect, there a lot of things you can do to add value to your self like learning an in demand skill and selling a service or creating a product using people's pain points, that's how you make money not chasing the money trying to make it at all cost, this will just push you to desperation like the OP of this post.

I know some people will still go ahead and register, well that's your own business, I've done my part as a member of this community, your own now is to heed


Verified member
The year has began already and by now I expect that those that have plans for the year should have started executing them without killing more time. There are indeed alot of business one can actually undertake this year 2022. But before we start even talking about it we must first check ourselves and see the areas where we best fit in. What works for mr A may not go down well with Mr B. That is why we must first look inwards to see those areas we may best fit into. Some are more comfortable working offline while others may prefer to work online. It all depends on the area one may prefer to work. Another area we must consider before going into any kind of business is amount of knowledge we have as touching the areas we want to go into. Lets take forex trading for example if one desires Tk trade forex it will do you alot of good to.start learning more skills in that area. Or if you prefer offline task, let's say one wants to go into the sale of clothes or shoes it is better to get addition skills too in that area, the sky will only b the starting point.


This year, I have set my business goals and hopeful to record huge success. My business strategy for this year is to promote my products and services in a way that would meet customers demands and eventually boost sales.

2021 was a bit tough, especially in trying to make enough sales to suffice losses incurred during the pandemic. But this year promises to be different for my business.
Focusing on customer satisfaction has always been of prior importance to me, I see it as a way of creating an excellent reputation for my business and at the same time a strategy to add to my customer base.
I have to ensure that customers get their products as soon as the orders are placed and that is why I have to get dispatch riders on ground.
In order to deal with competition, I would have to place adverts early and alert customers when products are ready to the market.
I also have to look out for more targets. Like I stated, more customers would mean more sales.
Incorporating other aspects of the business would also help boost sales. For example, I have met some customers who come for smoked fish and others who come for frozen fish. A vast majority of my customers come for live fishes. This year, I would have to ensure that smoked and frozen fishes are made available so that all customers are satisfied.