Best exercise to lose weight


Verified member
1. Walking
Walking for like 30 minutes 4 times in a day helps to reduce weight loss faster as it doesn't need any equipment for it you to engage in it
2. Running or jogging
These are very great form of exercise that helps to lose weight and also helps to burn belly fat
3. Weight training
Helps to burn calories before and after workout which result in losing
4. Swimming
it is also a form of exercise to lose weight but not as effective as others but helps to reduce the risk of various diseases
5. Yoga
is the best weight loss exercise by helping to burn calories in the body
so by trying any of this exercise I believe you can lose weight faster without much stress
Walking at Day time will make your weight lose as Sunlight converts your body cholesterol into Vitamin D .
Eating a healthy diet on time .
Think happy things or be happy while eating .
If your consultant says that your body would be a fatty type then avod to eat too much fats.
All the exercise you mentioned are right if we can engage in 1 or 2 among this exercise you will surely lose weight
Jogging as always been the most common type of exercise to lose weight as it doesn't require equipment before engaging in it
Losing weight can also be done by eating healthy foods and food low in calories and include exercising in your daily activities
You can walk for at least 30 minutes because you release sweat and that also help to release can also jog for some minute.alap try doing press up and push up because when you engage in exercise you tend to release weight at least when you do it for some months your weight will reduce
Jogging and walking really works for losing weight as it burns the calories in our body
Exercise has always been the best method used in losing weight most especially the walking and jogging it is a very exercise used for losing weight

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