Blogging or vlogging?


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This days when you search for a well business to start online people will suggest you start a blogging or vlogging, both of them are lucrative business to venture into, but I want you to understand the differences between the two of them, while starting a blog you will not spend any tangible amoun and how you build your blog will determine how you will earn. But to be frank blogging is not as easy as I explained you need to have patience before you can run a blog because you cannot start earning the moment you created the blog. As I said earlier how you build your blog will determine how you will earn but always put it in mind that your sacrifices will determine how you will earn on your blog, you can even decide to run more than a single blog I have a friend who does that but if you are a new start up i suggest start with a single blog.
But for vlogging is a little bit different with blogging because you must have enough money to start up that kind of business and also you must be shooting videos, but not everyone is good at shooting videos especially someone like me, for me I prefer blogging over vlogging. I want to hear you thoughts on this.
Blogging and Vbloging are better means to reach your targeted audience. If you are good at writing then blogging will be a better option to start but if you are better at talking to the camera then Vblogging will be the best option.
Why do you have to choose between these two, why can't you choose both. I do both, blogging and vlogging, and I make money from my blogs and vlogs. I am even using my blogs to build subscribers and views on your vlogs and using vlogs to send traffic and buyers to my blogs. The type of content you post is the main difference between blogs and vlogs, but other works are almost similar for instance SEO, Digital Marketing, Content research, etc. However, in order to succeed as a blogger and vlogger, you need to ve very talented writer and video content developer.
To me, I think people make more in vlogging than blogging these days, the reason is because it seems very much easier to be noticed from being a vlogger and that is why you see a lot of people making different types of video on social media like Instagram and tiktok and they are very desperate to be noticed, a lot of creativities and ideas. The reason why blogging do not really have much people venturing into it is the fact that it seems more like it requires so much of hard work and even investments in some ways just to get known and hopefully you can start earning back from it
I don't really have time for both of them most especially vlogging , and just like you have just said it will require you to have an understanding of how to shoot videos and that is one thing I always try to avoid because if I was passionate about that I could have gone into a YouTube Business by now, both of them are not really easy to make money as most people always claim that you can engage in blogging as a part-time job but sometimes it may not really be easy as most people are saying because you have to spend a lot of time writing quality articles that will attract a large number of people.
Actually, you do not need money to start vlogging, all you need is a mobile phone to shoot a video, or a screen recorder, or whiteboard animation program.Most of us already have a mobile phone and there are already lot of free tools for whiteboard animations or screen recording. You also need a video editor and you can get one for free. Tools are free, you need skills to use these tools. However, you need money to register a domain and host your blog. Blogging costs money where as vlogging is almost free. Blogging requires writing and vlogging requires video creation.
Honestly, I don't practice any of these methods, I understand that money is made from both, but I'm not passionate about it. Instead, if I had to choose what to look for, I'd rather look at a vlog than read an article on a blog. I'd rather stay in bed, watch a cozy video, than read on a blog. :)