Building a Career in the Tech Industry Without a Tech Background


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Creating a career in the tech industry without having any technological background is definitely possible and can be a worthwhile journey. Here are some guidelines to help find your way into tech:

1. Find out what interests you: Begin by sampling different aspects of the technology sector to find out which captures your attention the most. From software engineering and data analysis to project management and user experience design, the world of tech is vast and diverse. Knowing your passion and strengths will assist in determining which direction to take.

2. Learn new skills: Even with no prior knowledge of technology, you can still acquire skills required for success in this sector. Use online courses, tutorials or other educational resources that teach you programming languages such as Python, R among others,and data analysis tools like Excel. Alternatively,you could join bootcamps or attend workshops where you get practical lessons from professionals.

3. Create a portfolio: While learning new skills, start building a portfolio that will display your work and abilities.You can include personal projects done at home after acquiring some new skills but dont forget to mention your freelance work or contributions made on open source sites.Having a portfolio shows off how practically knowledgeable one is thus attracting potential employers/clients.