Business ideas for women to start with little money

Junaid Alam

New member
In this article, I share the 41 business ideas for women in India to undertake where you will not need to invest any capital, or you should only have a very small amount of money just to buy the necessary materials and tools.
There are all kinds of ideas and you will find the one that best suits you and what you want: from businesses without money, Internet ventures, to ventures to do in your own home and also some that you can do outside of it.

So take paper and pencil, read the following suggestions well, and write down the ones you like best to start your business as a woman in India as soon as possible.

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How to know what is the best business ideas for women in India?

Discover your strengths and weaknesses, meet your potential customers, the needs you can meet and the most profitable businesses that already exist. Make an evaluation of your ideas and choose the one that best suits what you want.

To start a business in India you have to know what you want to do.

So my first suggestion is that you answer the question “What do you know how to do?” And not least, “What do you like to do?”.


If you have years of experience in your work, you will have many advantages, you will have already developed skills, you will have contacts and relationships in the industry.

On the other hand, if you do not have it so clear, you have different fields of experience or you do not see the possibility of doing business with a future in the work to which you dedicate yourself, start studying your strengths.

This will help you find a business that fits your skills.

To recognize strengths you must pay attention to the things you can do easily and with good results. There are activities that we feel run smoothly and we keep them under control.

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On the other hand, knowing your weaknesses will help you make a better plan, those things that you don’t do with so much energy or take more time than others need.

Another option is simply to ask your colleagues, colleagues or bosses, what they think of you.

These are some examples of strengths and weaknesses related to the possibility of starting a business:

Clear and measurable objectivesLack of planning
Communication skills, enthusiasm, sympathyApathy
Willingness to solve problemsInability to have new ideas or improve
Enough money to startLack of money
Possibility of getting loansLittle chance of getting loans
Desire to work, training, motivationLack of leadership, poor training, lack of consistency
Raw material, suppliers, inventoryLack of equipment

Perhaps you know the saying “In times of need some cry, others sell scarves.”

Think about the things you love to do and the way in which those things could satisfy a need for consumers.

If you like to write stories, create programs, repair artifacts, cook, paint, make objects, sing, do sports, think about the way in which your talent can satisfy a need to create a business in India and why not? Do it at home!

In your work, pay attention to what you do, and to the people who use the service or product: Are there any frequent complaints or needs that you can fix?

You already have an idea of ​​what you could do, surely you have some options in mind, so now, study the terrain and choose the right market.

To know more about the terrain you are stepping on, you must know the offer of products and potential customers.

Look at the needs and characteristics of potential customers or consumers in the region where you are.

List the benefits or advantages you can offer and the needs you can cover. Make a list of those characteristics and needs to facilitate the analysis.

Think about who your customers could be. For this, it takes into account age, sex, income level, marital status, occupation, educational level….

Identify which categories of customers have the greatest need for the product or service you can offer.

You will also use this later to develop your marketing and advertising strategies since you will have chosen your audience.

Study how your potential competitors work. See what they do, what they lack, how they do it, their suppliers, their expenses and profits, check their price list and everything that has to do with the development of the business.

Make sure you are objective to know if there is a market that is worth exploiting and is not too big or too small.

You can start your business in India with a very large capital or without capital, but in both cases, you have to know. Create a project that helps you know your limitations.

Carefully calculate the total cost (in money or resources) that your business will have in place and how long it will take to make a profit.

If one of your strengths is a good credit history, you could request funding sources.

There are many institutions that are dedicated to financing projects and investing in enterprises. For this, you must present a solid plan and be very careful with possible scams or scams.

As you make your business ideas for women in India more profitable, think long term.

Consider if it really is an activity that will have profits and benefits for a long time. Make sure it’s something you can do for many hours.

And it is very important that it is an activity that can evolve, the ability and the possibility of growing in your business, is an important factor to decide if it is the best business in India for you.

You already have your business ideas for women in India, it’s time to know what the world thinks, is it a good idea?

Some businesses turn out to be a wonderful opportunity in theory, but in reality, then, not so much.

In some cases, it is a good idea, but it is not a booming business, or simply not the time. So you must evaluate your business idea.

You can do surveys among your colleagues or closest people, present your plans to a financial consultant, consult general opinions and statistics on forums, blogs, and websites.

For example, you can talk to 25 people, describe your product or service and ask them if it’s something they would pay for. Ask them to be brutally honest: It is better to know before than after starting.

For products, you can create a very small and simple web page, to advertise and see if anyone has an interest in the product. You can do this before having the product ready.

There are some businesses that have a higher risk of not being successful. It does not mean that they cannot be a booming business opportunity, but that you should be more careful and thorough when evaluating them.

Keep in mind that this may be different according to the geographical area or the possibility of selling online. Here are some of them:
  • Laundries and dry cleaners
  • Florists
  • Used car dealers
  • Gas stations
  • Transport companies
Once you have successfully evaluated your options, you just have to choose.

Starting a business is a great decision that must be taken safely if you have already found what you want to do and have a plan, do not leave it for later. So to get down to work!


Business ideas for women in India

How to start a business without money

To start your business find ways to have additional income of money, such as keeping your job, offering your services, creating products or reselling them, getting to know yourself to have more customers and reduce expenses.

When you decide which is the best business for you, some of your weaknesses may have been the lack of capital, liquidity or forms of financing.

Do not be discouraged, I will show you some tips to start a booming business without money or with little money.

I understand that the first thing you will want to do when you start your business is to shout your resignation to the world and especially to your boss, but if you don’t have much capital, keep your job for now.

Do not compromise your economic stability. The longer you keep your job, you can continue to have a fixed salary, this will help you keep paying your bills and even increase your capital.

Depending on the activity you have chosen to start your business, you can offer services or develop something.

Offering services will help you earn money and save to have the capital and invest in your business.

The best thing is that there are hundreds of services you can offer, so you can surely find one that you can do.

With a little practice, knowledge, and creativity, you can also do some things with your hands.

Yes, it is true, you will need money to buy the materials, but do you remember my recommendation not to leave your job? There are things you can do yourself and sell them to earn much more than what you spent.

You can make organic products such as oils or natural essences, candles, lotions.

There are some items that are sold easily such as handicrafts, home decorations, jewelry, children’s toys, and clothing.

And if you are good at cooking you can prepare food and craft drinks such as cookies, and cupcakes.

Get down to work, literally, don’t be afraid to “kick the street”, sweat or get a little dirty. Without effort, there is no reward so go to the street and do the work yourself.

Knock on the doors, offer your services or your products, manage your resources, keep your accounting, close your own businesses, be your only and your best employee.

If you are not convinced by the ideas of providing services or selling your own products and you have at least a small pool of money you can resell some things.

The resale can be done online in virtual stores or a physical space such as a garage sale or a popular market.

If you decide to do it through a virtual store, these are some pages that will help you buy and resell, Alibaba, Amazon, MercadoLibre, eBay. You just have to register and publish.

You will not see the results, if you do not keep track of your expenses, review your entire business plan and look for ways to reduce costs.

Instead of paying for advertising, do it yourself through your friendships and social networks.

It is not necessary to rent a workspace, you can do it at home, use recycled materials and look for cheaper suppliers.

Study again the possible forms of financing.

Be creative, there are many ways to finance yourself, if you have already tried all formal means (banks, government organizations and loan companies), consider asking for help.

It is not easy to succeed if you are alone, maybe a friend or relative can make you a loan, be your guarantor, give you inputs, lend you space or tools, or teach you to do something.

Even if you don’t have cash with which you can pay, maybe you have some valuables, you could exchange those items for others you need to start your business.

You could even exchange skills, knowledge or something you can or know how to do for your business. Use the resources you already have to get others

Many booming businesses can be undertaken with two or more co-founders, you have the knowledge, you have the idea and you have the plan, you can find a partner that has the capital.

To make your business investment attractive, make sure you make a difference, make yourself noticed, offer the best service or the best product.

Come to light and take advantage of all the ways in which you can advertise your business.

How to start a home business

Starting your home business takes time, but it is possible: recognize your strengths and weaknesses to choose the best business for you, meet your customers and the competition, get ready, create a business plan, build your venture and advertise to attract customers.

A home-based business has many economic and personal advantages.

You will have the freedom to choose your schedule, you can better balance your personal life and work life and save on space, services and furniture costs.

Even when it is a home business, it is still a business, so you must follow the steps I have already shown you to choose the best booming business for you.

There are other things you should take into account if you decide to start your home business.

Your first investment should be in preparing to provide the best service or the best product, watch some video tutorials, take classes, or study a guide, this will be the basis of the success of your business.

If you have the possibility to study a bit about business, accounting, administration or finance, do not hesitate for a second, not only will it help you to do better, but it could be useful to reduce costs.

Research a bit about the urban and tax regulations of the activity you are going to do. You might need an additional permit or insurance

Make it happen! Choose a space at home to install your business. You can make a small office with a desk, a telephone line, a desire to work and everything you need for your convenience.

If you are going to send or receive packages frequently you can hire a post box. Once you start your business, customers will start arriving, a little publicity will help you get to know, give it some time and more and more.

I want to give you one last recommendation that I learned on my own, Don’t Take Shortcuts. I know you want fast results, but ignore the advertising that promises an instant business.

They will waste your time and I assure you that following the steps in this article you have a real chance of success.

41 booming business ideas for women in India in 2020

1. Sale of specialized food

You can make national, foreign or international food.

If you have a family from a different country than the one you live in, this idea is perfect for a family business, since you will need help getting started.

Some examples are Chinese, Arabic and Thai food.

2. Frozen foods: Business ideas for women in India

It is a growing business in both production and consumption.

You just have to locate the cheapest food suppliers, you will need packing materials and freezing equipment. If you offer the service at home, you can have your home business.

Some examples that sell a lot are: derived from chicken and other birds (wings and fillets), seafood, fish sticks, pre-cooked potatoes, salads on trays, vegetables and legumes.

3. Food for children

You can offer healthy snacks for children to schools or kindergartens nearby. Surely many of your acquaintances are parents and would be willing to pay for a delicious and healthy snack at home.

If you get an order in quantity you can request part of the advance payment and you will not need capital.

It offers organic, lactose-free, sugar-free or gluten-free products to make it more attractive.

Some examples of foods that you can include are: sausages, tuna, eggs, toast, bread, cookies, fruits, milk, natural juices, jello, and nuts.


Pastry and bakery business ideas for women in India

4. Pastry and bakery: Business ideas for women in India

This business idea for women in India can be as large or as small as you prefer. You can start a bakery with a lot, little or no capital.

Virtually anything baked will have many buyers. You can bake and offer it to nearby places. Create a brand and sell online, at home to your neighbors or in your own store.

Offering desserts decorated for special occasions is also a great idea. Or just offer the decoration.

Some examples of pastry are: pastries, cupcakes, cookies, desserts in a glass, mini shots chocolate, snacks, and tartlets.

5. Cooking classes business idea for women in India

If you have a gift, you can share it with the world and make a profit. Everything you need to invest you have in your memory, so don’t wait any longer, offer your knowledge and start teaching cooking.

You can condition your kitchen and teach without leaving your home, record videos and upload them to a YouTube channel or teach online.

6. Food and natural drinks

More and more people prefer natural products, while still being practical.

You can choose some natural foods and beverages and pack them in practical take-away packaging. Most do not require processing.

Start with very small amounts so you don’t have to make a large investment. Some examples of natural products, foods, and drinks are packaged nuts, lotions, and soap, coconut oil, beer, cold tea, and granola.

Catering and food delivery business for women in India

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The era where women are supposed to assist their men financially Is here and it is no longer about only the man providing. The economy has become so harsh that even the family has been affected the good thing is that there are jobs that women can easily do while they still take care of your home perfectly well it is always good for a lady or woman to pick up jobs that will not take most of their time away from the home so for a lady there jobs that perfectly fit one are like teaching jobs.

You can also work online on sites which means working by one pace they can also deliver food as mobile food vendors where you don't need to spend a lot of time outside the home but if one has the time you can also set up an office job is flexible with time and can let the person till tend to the home.