General insurance Can You Insure Body Parts?


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One thing I like about insurance is that it gives you peace of mind on your life and properties in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

It can be a great risk to run a business without having proper insurance in place.

I got to know about this when I was discussing with a friend who told me that Jeff bezos is not going to lose anything when people were looting his vehicles during the pandemic outbreak.

He told me that the insurance on the goods and the vehicles get Jeff bezos covered in any situation.

This make me thinking that it should be possible if somebody can ensure his or her body parts provided their profession relies on those body parts.

As a footballer, can I insure my legs because they are the one bringing in money for me?
This idea of insurance is rampant amongst the celebrities just in case they have any injury whatsoever. Well I wouldn’t advise an ordinary commoner to opt for this type of insurance plan because it won’t make much sense. It is mainly meant for the elites. I mean the extremely wealthy people.
It is a good idea to prepare for unexpected injury as a footballer. An attempt to score a goal can make a football player sustain a critical injury. To financially cater for this before it happens, you should have bought health insurance policy because health insurance policy covers damages to any part of your body.
Laughs. Its not possible nah, let's try to be direct please. You can insure body parts, you'll insure your life, your health which is well-being. With this two insurance policy surely any injury you accrue via any of the unexpected dreaded circumstances you'll be covered by the insurance company your family won't spend a dime.
Why insuring body part when the parts are part of the body.Instead of insuring body part,it is more advisable one insure the whole part of the body which means insuring ones life.That is life insurance and if anything happens in future or anytime the insurance company will take care of such person.preferably health insurance policy can be done instead of some parts of the
I really do not have anything against insuring one’s body parts. As a matter of fact it is a great idea. Well it kind of sound expensive to afford due to premiums attached to it calculated to each body parts the insured is intending to insure. So I think this is could make more sense if the insured is rich.
Why insuring only one part or some parts when there are some insurance polices like health or even life that cover the whole life. For instance, if a footballer insures his legs thinking that's th likely part to get damaged but later has his arm to he fractured on the pitch?
I think you could insure your health because that majorly covers everything and if you have any form of injury you won't be too affected , since you have an insurance cover for such incident , , I don't think there is a specified insurance cover for such thing and separate like that
You can ensure your body parts. I see a lot of sportspeople insuring their limbs. However, this kind of insurance policy is not available here. I work online, and eyes and fingers are very important for me to work, I cannot insure my eyes and hands even if I want to because the policy does not exist here.
I think I have read an article about Marilyn Monroe who was a very popular actress with the sexy body and pretty face. Her legs were insured because that was her best asset. Maybe the insurance company had to gamble because once the legs would have blemishes then they had to pay Monroe of the amount stated in the insurance policy.
There are different types of insurance schemes that covers the life, health, property and automobiles, but until recently, nobody would've ever thought of having their body parts insured seperately. i think, now it's possible to have your body parts insured. Celebrities like Footballers can insure their legs anytime as they are aiding them to earn their living.
Laughs. Its not possible nah, let's try to be direct please. You can insure body parts, you'll insure your life, your health which is well-being. With this two insurance policy surely any injury you accrue via any of the unexpected dreaded circumstances you'll be covered by the insurance company your family won't spend a dime.
Probably I am thinking too much when this question came over to my mind. I was watching one Olympic game like that and one of the athletes broke her two legs while she was doing gymnastic at the final stage. It was so horrible to watch. I tried to Google search it to have more clarity as the result I saw below in the image. Screenshot_20210824-084739_1.jpg
Probably I am thinking too much when this question came over to my mind. I was watching one Olympic game like that and one of the athletes broke her two legs while she was doing gymnastic at the final stage. It was so horrible to watch. I tried to Google search it to have more clarity as the result I saw below in the image. View attachment 47057
Now I got your points well dear, you're making wonderful points. Someone posted it via google search with important points. Of such person doesn't have facts to.back it up I could've doubted it. But you have facts, why you concluded with insuring the body parts when it is very pivotal in earning the celebrity a living.
You can insure body parts. Footballers insure their legs, tennis players insure their limbs, You can insure any body parts you want provided this kind of policies are available in your place. You can insure your eyes, your teeth, etc. I am thinking to insure my eyes and hands because I need these to work.
I don't really think there is any insurance I don't really think there is any insurance policy that ensures a particular body parts but they are included in health insurance. I think as sports people it is very important for them to go into health insurance in case anything goes wrong.