Earn Money Can you really make money listening to Music?


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Among many ways of online money earning, listening music is one of them. Usually, users get paid to review music of new and upcoming musicians on such websites. These websites require feedback from a wide range of people, so that musical artists can find the direction they need for their songs. Listening to music is always fun, and if you are getting paid for that, then Voila!

The Music websites assure us that we just need to join first and create our profile. Once our profile gets approved we can start working. And we are supposed to do two things and that is, Listening and reviewing. The more we listen their music, the more we earn. But are these Online Music websites worth it for earning money? Have you ever tried any such website?
I only know about apps that reward individuals for listening to music and I do even bother using them since they only pay peanuts that won't help me in anyway. I rather stick to paid to post websites like trendri than to hope on making money from apps and websites that pay for listening to music.
Well, it depends on the type of music. I don't really think you can make money from listening to music except if they ask you to down the music for free which you will still use your data to download it. Probably it is possible that am not aware of it but right now, I don't think so. I stand to be corrected if am wrong thou.
Now that's agreeable, you won’t be earning instantly on a website or app that claims to pay you for listening music. They even might have a limit per day for reviewing the songs, and the amount of money you maybe earning is too little that it would take you months to redeem your hard earned cash.