Carrot Oil for Hair Growth. Does It Actually Work?


Carrot oil for hair growth is an old-school remedy that hasn't yet been proven in clinical studies. But if you're looking to add a little extra shine and bounce to your hair, this oil could be the answer you've been looking for.

Carrot oil is a folk remedy for fighting dandruff and restoring hair health. Additionally, it is supposed to encourage new growth and help stop hair loss! The science isn't there yet, but many people swear by this natural remedy for hair loss and its ability to help regrow your locks. The oil comes from carrots, so it's easy to find just check local health stores or online retailers like Amazon.

In fact, some doctors even recommend carrot oil for people with thinning hair or bald spots on their scalp! If you want to give carrot oil a try, make sure you get organic carrot juice (not just extracts) because it can contain pesticides that can harm your body over time.