Case Study: How I Make Money By Blogging


VIP Contributor
Blogging basically refers to writing personal content. A blog post is a personal opinion of the blogger or the writer on a certain topic. Not just indie writers, even the businesses and enterprises are using blogs to reach out to their existing customers and potential customers.

I have a blog, I have been blogging for more than 3 years. As a blogger I create a connection between the consumers and businesses through my blogs. I am able to do this by promoting products and services and capturing leads. Some big businesses have in house writers who write blog posts to reach out to clients, the companies who cannot afford to have in house writers hire me to write blog posts, and sometimes they even ask me to publish these blog posts on my own blogs.

When I publish blog posts about businesses and their posts, I earn money. These kinds of posts are basically called sponsored posts or promoted posts. Sponsored posts or promoted post are basically written for advertising and promotion purpose. You can do sponsored posts when your blog is an authority blog and you have huge organic traffic. When businesses pay you to write bout they, they will in return look for sales generation, lead generation, therefore, they will hire you only when your blog is high traffic website.
I also make money from my blog. When I was trying to build my blog, I hired a professional writer, who could write SEO content. Since I hired a professional writer, most of my website content ranks very high on search engines. Therefore my blog generates a lot of organic traffic. Since my blog has traffic, I am also earning from ads. I do not use affiliate ads or sell products, I don't even sell ad spots or have sponsored posts, but I make money from ads.
Why are you not doing sponsored posts and selling ad space if you are already generating organic traffic. The key receive sponsored posts offers and sell ad spots on your site is to generate a lot of organic traffic. While referral traffic also helps you to get offers, organic traffic have more value when it comes to attract advertisers.
There are numerous ways in which you can make money with your blog. the beauty part of it is that you can combine all these ways together in order to maximise the potential of your blog.

You can start promoting affiliate products on your blogs and earn commission from every sales.

You just asked to identify a product that will suit the needs of your website visitors and promote it to them within the content on your blogs.

You can promote digital download through that as an athlete on your blog if most of the contents there are informational one.

You can also put up a display advert on your blog and start making money on autopilot.