Colour of our urine and what it entails.


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There is absolutely no human being that will say that he or she doesn't urinate . Urination is seen a way that a human being can also pass out waste matter and product out from the body in the form of water or liquid form . But are all urine just urine , I am very sure that most of us here can vividly say that the colour of our urine sometimes differ from time to time . But have we for one occasion ask ourselves what does the abnormal colour of our urine means ,? and what may have caused it to be so ? well , in this thread I will be listing different colour types of urine and what possibly might be the cause for the abnormal decoloration .

YELLOWISH COLOUR : if your urine colour is yellowish , it is considered that you are okay and in fact yellowish urine is said to be the normal colour of how a human being urine should be , but if the yellow is a little bit lighter it simply means that you have been drinking a lot of water and should possibly cut down .

ORANGE COLOUR : if a urine colour is orange . According to doctors and health analyst it is considered that an orange urine colour could possibly mean that you are being dehydrated and are not drinking enough water to dissolve waste matter inside the body for proper flushing .

BLUE RED OR PINK COLOUR : these are basically abnormal colour of urines . If your urine at any occasion turns out to be blue , red , or pink possibilities are you have a bacterial infection or better still you are urinary organs is being diseased and should probably see a doctor or a health physician . Common disease that could lead to abnormal urine colour include : prostate cancer , enlarged kidney stones , bladder and kidney tumors etc .
Our urine's colour is a good indication of our overall health. Urine that is too pale or dark could indicate dehydration, while yellow/amber urine could indicate liver problems. Urine that is too dark or orange could indicate liver issues (jaundice), serious dehydration, and kidney disease.

However, on the other hand, very pale urine could be a sign of too much water intake and overhydration which can also cause health problems.

When it comes to healthy urine, doctors say it should be somewhere between light yellow and dark amber. We should also urinate at least four times per day (and preferably more often). If this isn't the case with us, then we need medicalh help.

The colour of urine can vary from person to person, as well as for the individual. If a certain colour is persistent and does not appear to be a result of food, drugs or vitamins then it is worth being wary.

Each person's urine has its own unique scent, based on diet and other factors.
If we notice something unusual in our urine (colour or frequency), we should visit our doctor to get a thorough checkup done.