Cons of work addiction


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Life doesn't align at all with any kind of addiction. When you love a thing, even a good one to a point of addiction it becomes bad for you. Yes it is good to be a hard worker but when you take it to a stage of addiction then you have left the healthy stage at this point.

As good as working daily can be but it will come with bad effects on your life and might be on almost all areas if you ocerdo it.

So what are the cons of work addiction

physical effects

People that get addicted to work would experience serious burnout if they work to the point of physical wear out. You become very weak and sick.

mental exhaustion.

Work addiction can bring mental exhaustion as the brain has become exhausted and might not function at the optimal level as when it has a maximum rest.

Damaged relationships

With addiction to work you can't escape damaged relationships as work addiction could make you unknowingly alienate yourself from friends and family. As you spend more time working than interacting with others


Anotherb common result of work addiction is extreme stress,. You would have stressed yourself to the breaking point to make you perform at a lower level.
Anything in excess becomes addictive, if you are working hard like a machine then this will be addictive for you, beside that if you are lazy and have no intentions to work this will also be a kind of addiction, in both cases you will face big problems.

It is better to have moderation in life, you need to work for your dreams, care about your mental health and have good relationships with your family members and friends.

The biggest problem with hard work addiction is that it leaves you with mental problems, in my opinion, having all the wealth in the world is not worth your mental health.