Do you know of anyone with a no work job?


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In some countries, powerful official officials and politicians are getting no work jobs for their wives, girlfriends and relatives in a sophisticated form of bribery to boost their income with a second or third salary. In the internet sector, hardworking online workers are slandered by powerful government employees to ruin their reputation, so that no one believes the online worker, though he or she is telling the truth. The relatives and friends of these government employees are getting no work government jobs, faking online income, bank account, with top tech and internet companies also supporting the no work fraud. Do you know anyone who has a no work job, getting a monthly government or other salary without doing any relevant work?
I don't know anyone who is earning salary as non worker, but it is a popular thing here in my country as most people stay indoors and earning money. And it is common with the politicians here in my geography, most of their relatives stay indoors while earning money online, it sounds weird but that's happening, and they're doing nothing tangible earning hefty monthly salary. And their is nothing to stop such kind of no work salary format here since the whole system is corrupt. Since they know online workers as remote earners, they just hide under the umbrella of using online to earn money as freelancers but that's not true. I understand that majority works from home to earn their money but not everyone who claims to earn money as an online worker is earning genuinely online. Some are none workers earning free money from their brothers or sisters at the top.
Politicians are often voted out of power after five years, the real problem is the government officials, who retain their jobs for more than 30 years, though they are liars, extremely corrupt and experts in getting jobs for their lazy greedy relatives, falsely claiming that they are working online. These relatives and friends of top government officials do not even want to invest in a computer or laptop, yet they make fake claims that they are doing the computer work and get monthly government salaries. The cunning dishonest tech and internet companies are also supporting the relatives, friends in their no work fraud, in a sophisticated of bribery since 2010. The government also refuses to listen to any complaint of the victims in the internet sector no work government job fraud