Do you really have to spend on ads to market your product?


New member
Creating your business is a hard task. It's not simple to come up and decide to start a business as it involves a lot of planning and decision making.

And, just when you thought everything is done after you've figured out what item to sell and once you've created a site for your business, you're faced with this question: How am I going to sell this?

Do you think, in this day and age, spending money on ads is necessary to ensure that your item will sell? Or, do you think ads are not as important nowadays with the advent of social media?

What are your thoughts on this?
Advertisement is a way of product promotion to be recognize in the market. It is important but it's not necessary to do a paid ads. Like in social media, you will promote your product or services by uploading photos. Labeling it with good caption and indicating prices to it. It's another form of attracting your target market. There's a big difference between promoting a product or not. Information should be widely spread.
Publications always need quality content, and even large online magazines accept guest submissions. Discover what local, online and print publications your customer base consumes, then submit your content to those media channels. As a thought leader in your community, you establish and expand your brand in the industry. The bonus is your byline will appear at the end of your article, which will direct customers back to your business.
While social media management can seem overwhelming at first glance, clear and deliberate use of it can result in big wins. Choose the best social media platforms for your industry and set measurable goals for each profile. You can use a scheduling tool so that publishing is automatic, and your time is spent engaging in the online conversations surrounding your company.
If you have sufficient money to pay people to advertise your product then do. If not then find a creative viable solution to advertise your product. You can advertise it on your social media or ask for help from your friends and relatives to advertise and buy your products. Or go out and hand out a printed advertisement to the passersby.
Well to be honest I don't really know or have any idea about marketing your product online, but according to my research I don't think you have to spend much ads in order to market your product, you may decide to upload a photo, or upload a video on your products in this way I don't think he will need at to market your product.
First off, selling your product would depend on the type of product and store location. When the store is inside a mall then advertising is not much needed because of the market base that is provided by the mall. If the store is situated away from the main road then that is the type of business that would need advertising.
You might think that these days it might be easier than ever to promote your products and sell them easier. But the reality is that you have to spend some money in order for you to have a chance against your competitors. Because these days ads are everywhere online. They are on social media, on forums, on blogs, on YouTube videos, in mobile games. And everyone is promoting their products using ads. So how can you stand a chance against them if you don't do the same?
It just came to my notice that Elon musk who is one of the most richest people in the world owns a car company called Tesla and over the past three years they have not spent a single amount of money on advertisement. It will be very important to know that they are actually the best automobile performing company.