Economic resilience: A bottleneck to business funding


New member
The concept of econmic resilience is complex and definitions vary among those trying to gain insight into its drivers and impacts. However, in general terms. economic resilience is the ability of an economy as a whole to cope, recover from and reconstruct after a shock.

In recent years, the world over had witnessed varying and successive crisis such as the global financial crisis, COVID 19 pandemic, and most recently in year 2022, geo political issue between Russia and Ukraine.

In view of this, a globalised and integrated economy, conceptualised to increase trade and productivity, are now totally exposed as a result of these gloabl exigensies.

If bottlenecks of this nature and other related ones are not addressed and solved totally or reduced to the bearest minimum funding and growing business will always be a problem for business people both the existing and the green ones.
While institutions are still grappling with recovery efforts arising from the unprecedented shocks and severe impacts of these globally disruptive occurrences, In my country, fundamental and far reaching government fiscal and monetary policies around re4moval of fuel susbsidy, full deregulation of the downstream sector of the petroleum sector of the economy as well as collapse of multiple foreign exchange rate window brought to fore the need to build economic resillence.