Effect of consuming too much sugar

Sugar is good for the body but when taken in excess it can cause some side effect to the health
Excess sugar in the body causes a lot of health issues that is why we should control how we consume sugar daily to prevent all this negative impact to the health
Too much of sugar is not good for the health it causes health complications which endangers the health because it might not get easily treated
The body definitely does not any of you taking so much sugar especially processed ones. Taking of excess sugar has been heavily linked to disease conditions like heart problems and obesity which can be very fatal and even cause death.
Sugar is undoubtedly appealing food to which people approach without thinking its disadvantages. You have rightly said that sugar decays teeth. Teeth decay is perfectly noticed in the case of children. Children are continuously eating sugary food and facing problems in their teeth from childhood. Besides, it is also true that sugar helps to increase weight. So, we all should be careful.
Children don't like to eat spicy food so they prefer sweet food. Refined sugar is not only bad of teeth it is overall not good for out health. If we develop habit of eating other sweet food like fruits and honey than we have can keep us healthy
Sugar is good for our health but too much of it causes series of damages to the organs in the body
Too much of sugar causes a lot of health issues that can endanger one's life like heart failure and kidney problem
Too much consuming of sugar has alot of effect among are diabetes and overweight. For someone to have normal weight, he has to balance energy intake foods and energy consuming foods
Sugar is undoubtedly appealing food to which people approach without thinking its disadvantages. You have rightly said that sugar decays teeth. Teeth decay is perfectly noticed in the case of children. Children are continuously eating sugary food and facing problems in their teeth from childhood. Besides, it is also true that sugar helps to increase weight. So, we all should be careful.
Life of a diabetic people is not easy. I also have diabetes. I can't sleep properly in night because of night urine problem. I have to release urine in night after every 1-2 hour. For most of peoples night is time to refresh but for me it night is problem As much as possible we must be avoid use of white sugar
The effect of consuming too much of sugar is bad. Consuming too much of sugar can make some one to develop diabetes which can lead to death of the carrier at any point in time. It can also make some one to be growing to fat or big.
It equally bad for a man to be consuming too much of sugar because it can make spam to be watery.
Too much of sugar in the body is not good for the health it causes diabetes and heart problem


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Too much as a lot of side effects in the body like
1. Tooth decay
Sugar feeds bacteria that live in the mouth. When bacteria digest the sugar, they create acids as a waste product. This acid can erode tooth enamel, leading to holes or cavities in the teeth. People who frequently eat sugary foods, particularly in between mealtimes as snacks or in sweetness drinks are more likely to develop tooth decay
2. Weight gain and obesity
Sugar can affect the hormones in the body that control a person's weight. The hormones leptin tells the brain a person has had enough to eat and a diet high in sugar may cause leptin resistance.
3. Cancer
Excess sugar consumption can cause inflammation. Oxidative stress and obesity. These factors influence a person's risk of developing cancer.
Too much of sugar causes diabetes when you eat or consume too much sugar it causes stomach pain which then leads to stomach pain.so don't consume too much sugar it can llead to stomach pain which then leads to diabetes.instead use honey it's good for the body and gives the body nutrients
Too much conconsumption of sugary soda causes harm to the health like tooth ache, diabetes and other health implications as well
Too much sugar in our body causes diabetes and stomach pain
Sugary things is not good for our health it only causes some dangers to our well being so we should try and avoid it
We all know that refined sugar is not good for our health. But it is almost impossible for us to avoid is completely. When we are living with family we eat it and some time we can't say it No to it. Indeed we are eating it since our birth so it is not easy to stop eating it. It is better the day when eat sugar we do some more workout.
Sugary things is not good for our health it only causes some dangers to our well being so we should try and avoid it