Effect of consuming too much sugar

Sugar which we are using is not good for our health. It is cause of many health problem. Indeed it is slow poison, But most off all are consuming it, We should not consume more than 10gm sugar in whole day. But I know most of peoples don't care about it, they will care when they have diabetes. I also have it
Sugar consumption should be regulated for many reasons. Aside for the reason that it may cause some of the problems raised up there, we need to know that it is a sure cause of diabetes. And we know that diabetes that this disease is capable of liking its victims if care is not taken.
Sometimes I think using of sugar may not actually be the cause of tooth decay as people think.it can be as a result of certain bacteria in your gum that is making your teeth easily exposed to decay. There are some people that consume sugar but they do not have any single trace of tooth decay in their mouth.