Effect of Trachoma to the Eye


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Trachoma is a chronic firm of conjunctivitis that slowly gets worse. It may set for months or many years . if not treated early, it sometimes causes blindness. It is spread by touch or by flies, and is most common where people live in poor, crowded conditions.

- Trachoma begins with red, watery eyes , like ordinary conjunctivitis.

- After a month or more, small, pinkish gray limps, called follicles, form inside the upper lids.

- The white of the eye is mildly inflamed.

- If you look very carefully, or with a magnifying glass, you may see that the top edge of the cornea looks grayish, because it has many tiny new blood vessels in it (pannus).

- The combination of both follicles and pannus is almost certainly trachoma.

- After several years , follicles begin to disappear,leaving whites scares.

Treatment of Trachoma:
Putt 1% tetracycline eye ointment inside the eyes 3 times asqy forva month.
For complete cure, also take tetracycline or sulfonamide by mouth for 2 to 3 weeks.

Early and complete treatment of trachoma helps prevent its spread to others.
All persons living with some one who has trachoma , especially children, should have their eyes examined often and if signs apear, they should be treated early.

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