email marketing benefits

Indeed, emailing is not particularly sexy! Does fashion matter? Email marketing is surely the most effective marketing channel for acquiring and retaining customers. Email marketing must absolutely be part of your Digital Marketing actions.
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Most marketers think that since the rise of social media and other digital platforms, email marketing has become less effective. They might not be wrong, but I don't think they are right either.
Email lists are several emails collected by a business from customers or visitors that would like to participate in their offers, receive future updates about their products or business. This is usually in a digital form and through an Email inbox.
Email is the most effective way to reach out to your customers. There is a high tendency of getting higher click-through rates compared to Facebook. You can get and engage so many customers, old and new if you know what to do. It makes your work easy.
You can retarget your visitors or those on your lists anytime. This list is yours forever, unlike Facebook, or Instagram ads that attract random targeted visitors only. I mean you can target people within a particular demographic, age, interest, but you cannot retarget the same individuals when the campaign runtime is exhausted.
Email lists help you to send newsletters to your customers, you can congratulate them, check in on them sometimes, and get them to participate in your latest offers. These are not just random persons that come to benefit from what they don't deserve. They are your long term customers.
Another interesting thing is you can work with your email lists or contacts using "Mailchimp '' for free. There are other tools too. You can create campaigns, Automations and landing pages. If not mailchimp, you can also use WhatsApp as your landing page without stress.
Indirectly, I would conclude email marketing can help you make money if you know most of the rudiments.