Embarrassing your employees or workers to please your clients and customers, is it right?


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I grew up hearing the same that the customers and clients of a particular business are always right . but I strongly believe that that is not always the case because client and customers are actually not perfect in their actions and sometimes their actions towards a particular business usually lead to quarrel and complains . You by the business owner on seeing that your customer or client is arguing with your employees over a certain matter not satisfied or felt comfortable by him or her you could possible justify your employee or client just to please him or her there by embarrassing and scolding your employees who probably could be innocent and has no hand and their clients or customers are satisfied and uncomfortable nature .

We do not want to be such type of business managers or business owners we must judge from the fact and whether the employee is the cause of the matter we must make sure to rectify the issue swiftly and quickly but if the issue is caused by the actions of the client or customer you must make a client or customer and I know that his complaints aren't your concern because he or she caused it . Judging with the fact absolutely pays way more better that judging without the fact . This is what we are endeavour to do in businesses as a business owner .


Active member
As an employer we must have at the back of our mind that our employees are equally important just like our customers, customer are say to be given better treatment and priority at all time but wisdom must also be apply in our judgment. Without the workers or employees the company will not move forward, the workers are the engine room of all company, if there is misunderstanding between the company workers and the customer, embarrassed ur worker in front of the customer is not a good thing to do cause this action will also dampen the spirit and moral of ur worker which is not also good. There are better ways to handle issues without making ur worker feel embarrassed while correcting them. The customer can be attend to in a proper manner and apology can be made unbehalf of the worker involve, and the issue should be resolve for the customer so that he or she can still obtain the maximum satisfaction, after the customer has be settle the management can then call on the employee who committed an error to order and such correction must not necessarily be in front of the customer to embarrassed the worker.


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Your employees are not slaves that is one thing you must understand as an employer or a business manager and thinking that it is a wise thing for you to embarrass them just to please a client or customer who is at fault is absolutely an advisable and inhumane . You must be a truthful business owner and you must not justify any individual that is not worthy of Justice you must stand on the truth and caution anyone who is at fault and caution anyone who need to be advised . Walking into a quarrel or agitation between your employee and a particular customer or client it's actually not a time for you to try to justify the client and customer because you are only concerned about his own income there by embarrassing you employee or worker who possibly is not at fault .

It is often said that the customers is always right but you and I can agree to the fact that that is absolutely untrue because customers themselves make mistakes and sometimes clients and customers are the cause of a particular complain and sometimes it is as a result of their wrong actions and intentions that makes a particular goods or services to be felt unsatisfactory and comfortable would buy them .


Active member
A company employees are also part of the company of which without them the company will not function, just the way customer are to be treated with care is the same way employees of that company should be also treated with due care. Whenever there is an issue between a staff of the company and it customer, the management must be careful in handling such sensitive matter in other not to bring the moral of it staff down. Some company refer to their customers as King and should be treated so, although they are very right because the company is mainly establish to serve the purpose of it customer and it is by doing so the company will generate profit. All company always want to protect the their customers at all times because of how important they are the company profit but the engine room of any company is it work force, without the workers the company will not be able to meet it customer demand because there will be no production or service to render out to customers that will bring in profit for the company. Employees are also very important factor of a company and issues should be resolve without making anyone to feel bad.


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No. It is never right to embarrass your employees or workers to please your clients and customers. This is a way of telling your workers that they are not important to you and they don’t mean much. When such things happen, the employees lose trust in their organization and start looking for other jobs.

It is also important to note that it doesn’t matter if your employee did make a mistake or not, the fact that you’re embarrassing them in front of their colleagues and clients means that you’re going against them. This will make them feel like they are the ones who are wrong and you are right, even though they may have been right all along.

Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the employees' embarrassment at work affects the work environment, and then affects the company's productivity. The company's CEO or manager may embarrass the staff to gain a certain goal, such as forcing employees to perform well and make profits for the company. Also, in some cases, the CEO's goal may be to retain a major client by making a fool of his employees. In this case, you are clearly hurting your staff and damaging their morale. So it is not wise to use that method.


New member
Chances are the employee will cause more damage to your business, not to mention your reputation


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An employer can embarrass an employee or worker, but only if it is reasonable and fair. Embarrassment is not what we normally think of as bullying or harassment. An employer can embarrass an employee or worker, but only if it is reasonable and fair. Embarrassment is not what we normally think of as bullying or harassment.

Examples include:
A staff member who needs to be reminded that he has been late for work three days in a row.
A customer who has to wait for service because the staff member is busy serving another customer.
A manager who calls out a staff member for not completing a task correctly when there are other more important tasks that need to be done first.
An employer should never embarrass an employee or worker in front of other employees or customers unless it's absolutely necessary and unavoidable (for example, if an employee breaks a company rule and refuses to accept responsibility).

Most employers know better than to embarrass their employees or workers in front of others, because they can't afford for their employees to hate them. Though, I know some managers or employers are guilty of this, it is very bad because it can reduce the productivity of such worker.