Enlightenment from Wesley Billion Dollar Virgin


New member
Hey All,

So i wanted to share my experience with my journey with Wesley ''Billion Dollar'’ Virgin.

We all want to make money online, especially aiming towards the millionaire status. We are all thinking what can we do to make the ONE big break through.

I won’t bore you with too much chit-chat but i wanted to give you a quick back story of who i am.

Im a bloke (Regular Aussie Guy) from Melbourne, Australia thats tired of working for peanuts. My Name is Rich I’m 24 and i make about $61k a year in the hospitality industry as a Hotel Manager. Not bad right ? well I’m honestly tired of shift work and trying to find a way out honestly….

So which brings me to Wesley “Billion Dollar” Virgin. So just causally scrolling through my Facebook and i kept coming across this video about “Overnight Millionaire Mind Hacks” and “92.7% of people are not able to watch till the very end”

All these videos kept linking back to Wesley Virgin. So i looked into him on google and pretty much everywhere. My first impression was “Just another Tai Lopez BS” however to my surprise Wesley's Video resonated with me so well.

I do encourage you to watch it, to me it doesn’t feel like another motivational video but more of actually taking action with confidence. So through that link i did purchase the “Overnight Millionaire Mind Hacks” and i was quite impressed.

Now I’m a true believer for investing in yourself so for a small price of $65 AUD i thought it was a steal.

Now you obviously have to link your email with the purchase, I soon after received another email for a online webinaire called “Done for you service”
Now i did manage to check it out and it was ok i guess..
Ill Drop the link Below, let me know what you think.

The Link for “Done for you Service"

So that is all, would love to hear everyone’s 2 cents about this.

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