Factors that hinders work life balance


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The best way to live life as a worker is to have a balance between your work and life. None should interfer with the other so that one can enjoy life as it should even as an adult.

But there are factors in the workplace that can create unbalanced of this . So what are the factors that can hinder this:

Excessive workload
When once the workload is in excessive you would do more of the work and have no time for your life. Unbalanced life will set in.

Stringent rules
When the rules in the work place are not flexible then there is bound to be unbalanced life. Rigidity wouldn't work in favour of a worker

Hostile work environment
When the work environment Is hostile it will affect the mental health of a worker. When this happens the worker can't have a good life as the mind isn't at rest.

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Work-life balance is a tricky thing. It's easy to feel like you're at work all day, and it's not always easy to get home and relax. especially if you have kids! But there are a few things you can do to make sure that your work doesn't take over your personal life:

First, try scheduling time to work out or spend with friends. If you can carve out some time between meetings or appointments to go for a walk or take a break, it will help keep your energy up throughout the day and give you more energy when you need it most.

Also consider taking advantage of technology like Slack or WeChat. These tools allow you to stay connected with co-workers and clients while still maintaining time for yourself. This can make it easier for employees to keep in touch with each other during business hours without having to schedule regular face-to-face meetings every week or month.

Finally, remember that sometimes less is more! Sometimes less distractions means more focus on the task at hand and that's what matters most!


VIP Contributor
Work life balance is a very important part of life. Work is not the only thing in your life, it's just a part of your life. There are many factors that can affect work life balance like:

1. Workload - The workload at work depends on the company and the position you are in. If you have a high level of responsibility, you will be expected to do more tasks than someone who has less responsibility than you.

2. Job Stress - Job stress can lead to burnout, which means that you become tired and exhausted and lose motivation at work because of your daily tasks and responsibilities. You will feel stressed out about your job and may start doing things that are not good for your health such as smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol too much which will lead to serious health problems later on in life (such as heart attacks).

3. Long working hours - Long working hours can make it difficult for people to maintain a healthy lifestyle because they have no time to exercise or spend time with their families during weekends or holidays because they are busy with work related activities such as attending meetings etc..