Financial Advice For Single Ladies! 4 Top Tips


Single ladies, I got you.

If you're looking for financial advice, we've got you. And if you're not… well, we're here to tell you that it's time to start learning more about your finances and how they relate to your life.

Whether you're just starting out or have been married for a while (or if you're currently neither of those things), these tips can help you stay on top of things and make sure that you are as financially secure as possible.

1. Getting a budget is easier than ever with apps like Mint or Personal Capital that allow you to track your spending in real time. This helps keep track of where your money goes so that there aren't any surprises lurking around the corner!

2. Setting goals for yourself helps keep your motivation high and helps motivate yourself to stick with them throughout the year. Set short-term goals for certain months/weeks/days so that by the end of the day, whatever goal has been achieved is already done!

3. Focus on saving for retirement now. not later! When it comes time for school or another career change, having money set aside will help keep your income stable so that when the time comes, it won't be as hard to find a new job or move away from certain expenses (like rent).

4. Don't forget about emergency funds! Having an emergency fund is like having insurance against unexpected emergencies. you never know what could happen out there in the world!