Earn Money Free bitcoin mining site


New member
This website allows you to mine 0.00002 btc per day for free for 180 days. you can also increase your earning of btc by sharing your referral link. You can withdraw when your free account reaches 0.002 but in most cases withdrawal is processed when your free plan account days(180 days) is over. In order to get paid by free plan without any fee you need to have only one free account at a time. You can buy other plan to mine btc faster.
If you are interested click on the reply send a request for me. Its free h t t p s : / / M i n i n g b t c. Io /2 2 0 5 2 1

h t t p s : / / f r e e b i t c o.i n / ?r=39525760
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VIP Contributor
there is really nothing profitable about most of these Bitcoin mining platforms because you cannot make any reasonable amount of satoshi even if you dedicate your time all day long. There is a browser I downloaded called cryptotab browser which i used but could not make any money from it.


New member
there is really nothing profitable about most of these Bitcoin mining platforms because you cannot make any reasonable amount of satoshi even if you dedicate your time all day long. There is a browser I downloaded called cryptotab browser which i used but could not make any money from it.
Try this free btc mining website h t t p s : / / M i n i n g b t c. Io /2 2 0 5 2 1

h t t p s : / / f r e e b i t c o.i n / ?r=39525760
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VIP Contributor
I have tried so many of these Bitcoin mining platforms and a majority of them have turned out to be totally scams. This one looks a little bit realistic but then I do not want to wait till after 180 days before I can be able to withdraw my earnings to my wallet.