Get Paid To Answer Questions


Active member
You can now get paid to answer questions online and if that sort of thing interests you, then stick around and find out how you can get paid to answer questions. If you are a student who really enjoys a certain subject, maths, history, finance or whatever subject you like, then you can answer questions and get paid.

1. In this website, you can answer question and get paid or you can pay someone to answer your question. You get paid for a minimum of $1 per question. And maximum of $10 depending on the heaviness of the question. Most of this questions are collage/ university questions. So you must do research before submitting the answer (make sure to read their rules after signing up) It's Totally free to sign up.

2. Mindsumo- This website is only for tier one countries But South Africans and Nigerians can check it out if its available. So in this site you are paid to answer questions by a company or owner and usually the payment is shared among top 10 winners/ top 10 best answers. So The owner or company set a question and put the amount as $1000 to be shared by 10 or 5 people ( the sharing depend with the company or the owner of the question) So if you appear among the top 10 list, each of you will be paid $100 each. The questions are not that easy, you have to do a lot of deep research to be eligible for that pay.

3. This is worldwide ( I love this one more) In this site, you answer question about anything. You sign up for free, set up your bio and what subjects you are interested in or know best. Then any client who will be impressed by your bio will give you a phone call for them to ask you a question and answer their questions. You set your own price is your bio and it's always per minute. So you can set $1 per minute. So if a client calls you for 10 minutes, that is $10 just like that. But this one you have to be careful on how you are talking and addressing your client over the call so that they give you good reviews.

I hope this was helpful for you. Please try them out and see which one works for you. Good luck.
Please I would love to know the one you have used and you sure of payment would love to join that one. I did join answeree still a QAnd A site and wasn't paid a dime after accumulating the minimum pay out of $30! I wasn't paid a dime. it can really be frustrating
Please I would love to know the one you have used and you sure of payment would love to join that one. I did join answeree still a QAnd A site and wasn't paid a dime after accumulating the minimum pay out of $30! I wasn't paid a dime. it can really be frustrating
Answeree has always been a scam since the beginning, that's why I didn't state it there in my list. The ones that I know you will be paid are and . This two will Earn you huge amount of money per month. But for schoolsolver, you have to pass some English test and their rules and regulations test to see your capabilities of answering questions. I hope this was helpful and good luck.
The first and second is good website to make money, but third one from your list is not working properly. When I go to that website seem like the link or the website interrupted. Are you sure you write the correct name ?
Because I never hear about that kind of site.
I think this is a great way to make money online especially if you're the kind person that knows a lot of things ranging from academic works to a lot of life's issues. I registered an account with mindsumo since last year but I haven't not been active on the platform since that they are registered but I think very soon I may check out my account to see how I can profit from the platform.
Please I would love to know the one you have used and you sure of payment would love to join that one. I did join answeree still a QAnd A site and wasn't paid a dime after accumulating the minimum pay out of $30! I wasn't paid a dime. it can really be frustrating
I have not really been active in any of them but I have an account with mindsumo and I think you should try it because I saw a review of it on a YouTube channel. it also has good reviews which really made me to register an account since last year but I have not been active on it since then so if you're interested you can start from there.
The first and second is good website to make money, but third one from your list is not working properly. When I go to that website seem like the link or the website interrupted. Are you sure you write the correct name ?
Because I never hear about that kind of site.
I think you should do some research on Google and find out if there is any platform like that and I would also like to get a review from you because it seems you know a lot about money making platforms and you are definitely on a lot of money making platforms. I registered on mindsumo last year but I haven't been active.
I think this is a great way to make money online especially if you're the kind person that knows a lot of things ranging from academic works to a lot of life's issues. I registered an account with mindsumo since last year but I haven't not been active on the platform since that they are registered but I think very soon I may check out my account to see how I can profit from the platform.
Am glad to hear mindsumo is available in Nigeria. And you should definitely go back to the site and start being active so that you could get those questions and get paid to answer quality answers. Its a good since it pays you from $50 per question. Don't waste an opportunity like this because it's not available in my country so you should he grateful for that opportunity and work towards it.
The first and second is good website to make money, but third one from your list is not working properly. When I go to that website seem like the link or the website interrupted. Are you sure you write the correct name ?
Because I never hear about that kind of site.
Yes it's the correct spelling of the website. and you can search it yourself. At least always have deep research when it comes to online platforms . I have also registered to many. And what I bring to the table are things that I have either signed up and waiting for approval or have worked out for me in waiting for cash out. And whichever site that pays me I will always write a thread review about it.
Am glad to hear mindsumo is available in Nigeria. And you should definitely go back to the site and start being active so that you could get those questions and get paid to answer quality answers. Its a good since it pays you from $50 per question. Don't waste an opportunity like this because it's not available in my country so you should he grateful for that opportunity and work towards it.
Yeah I will definitely do that very soon the problem is that I don't have a lot of time on me right now about when I do I will try to login into my account if I can remember the password again. The platform is very good and the reviews I got is very good also. There is also another platform similar to mindsumo but I have forgotten the name and that one is also very good.