Have you ever regretted resigning from a job?


Valued Contributor
Yes! It happened to me recently. I resigned from a restaurant that I was working in for the better part of last year. It was a quick decision because I just got tired of a nagging supervisor and wished for a job in the field I trained for.

After resigning, everything looked great, I even went home to spend the festive season with my family. But then the season is over and I miss being busy, earning some tips daily and having a tight schedule. But the good thing is that I now have more time to learn new skills and look for a job I want.

Tips to resign from a job the better way that I have now learnt include;
  1. Wait till you are sure of another opportunity.
  2. Save enough money that will make your transition to another job easier.
  3. Keep the connections from your previous jobs, you never know what the future holds.
  4. Resign the good way, don't quit without letting anyone know.
  5. Don't let small things like a little stress from a strict boss or an annoying colleague make you quit.

So as you work hard in your job today, make sure that you think wisely before quitting the job, you never want to regret your decision later.