Have You Tried YouTube Before?


VIP Contributor
Millenials have made YouTube the central video network of the last decade but seems like things are changing up a bit, YouTube are always innovating new ways to keep users entertained and also reward content creators accordingly.

Before one can earn, he/she have to garner 1000 subscribers and a certain watch hours in other to get into their earning system, which I can tell you for free it's not an easy task if we're to be realistic.

Let's say you want to invite your friends to subscribe to your channel, which normal person have 1000 friends that he can bank on, it's very hard to be honest but it's doable.

And also you need to make contents worth watching, from 2min to several hours, I can say niching down might work here and also one can make use of there newly introduced feature which is 'YouTube Shorts' you can make videos like your snap chat videos and still be able to earn with it, but note this is not a quick fix for contents, to create a trusted channel you need to create contents worth watching and informative.

I personally think YouTube will get more users If they reduce the barrier of entry 500 subscribers and an average watch time can go a long way.