Health effects of being overworked .


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Due too an increasing individuals love to acquire more money online or offline a lot of people have become over attached to their work so as to make more and more profit thereby having little time to take care of themselves . Business owners that behave like this are considered to be tired at the end of the every working day thereby having less time and energy to interact with members of your family including their spouse . We must understand that being overly attached to our work has a lot of dehumanizing health effect to the human body it could lead to stress and fatigue cost in the process of running business around all alone .

To avoid dehumanizing health effectsfrom affecting us in the course of carrying out our business duties and activities we must have some sort of time table weather stirred in our phones or hand in our workplace . Alarms and timer will also be set to alert the business owner when it is time for him or her to perform health upbuilding activities like :chilling , eating , drinking enough water , go see a colleague etc . As often says " all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy " same is applied to business " all work and no time to rest makes an employee or a business owner maintaly and physically unhealthy .


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Health is wealth and in fact, this is not a mere saying but a true fact. Overworking oneself because of making money is truly not worth it. It is advisable to prioritize your health. Working with a schedule is recommendable, where you should carve out ample time for rest. Rest is very important because we are humans and not machines. Even machines do malfunction when they are being overworked. We know that, there is little or no food for a lazy man but this does not mean that we should work every minute. Breaks should be take in-between works and also vacations should be embarked upon with no work as a distraction, where you would clear your heads, have refreshing ideas and creative ways of doing things differently. Personally, if I overwork myself, it tells on my health and my psychological being. I usually get a bad headache anytime I overwork both offline and online. There are some days I totally take a break to avoid or boycott working activities and I just rest. Even doctors recommend that we should have rest even though you are not sleeping. In the process of overworking, the quality that would have been produced would definitely drop or decline.


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Health is wealth and being overworked will just add more decline to the business but it might be unclear for the business owner to realize. There is a saying that, 'a hungry man is an angry man,' and this adage is a fact. There is no way you are hungry and psychologically be effective in carrying out a task properly and this is one of the reason in most works of life, there is a free time, where it is called recess or break time. During this time, it is expected that you stretch your nerves and ease yourself from the stress, you can have lunch and have healthy discussions which is not related to work and you can laugh out loud as well.

In business or work in general, the effect of being overworked is enormous, when one is overworked, you would not be able to concentrate and in some cases, if the person is an employer, he can lash out or transfer aggression to his workers. The effect of stress should not be entertained. No matter the quest for money, it is advisable to take a good rest in between working hours, even though you might not sleep but get your mind off work and laugh out with friends or by watching comedies.