Here's how much it would cost you to "fix" your gums.


New member
Gum grafts ... about $600 per gum, no guarantee it will work. If your gums are seriously damaged, this could cost you up to thousands of dollars.

Fillings and root canals to "save" the teeth that were already damaged, with prices that range from $500 to $2000- that's a lot of money for a lot of pain if you ask me!

Then there's surgery to "strengthen the gums" or, in medical terms, "pocket elimination surgery" , costs approximately $6,000...

Or - my favourite one- remove the worst teeth and replace them with implants.

Thinking an implant costs $4,500 - best case scenario- and that, according to the doctor- I needed at least 4, I might as well have sold one of my kidneys!

Oh, but the list doesn't stop here... no matter the dental procedure you choose as your torture...

Know that after you'll have to pay for...maintenance, which can cost over $100 per session.

To put it bluntly: expensive, lengthy, painful treatments that promised no real solution...and I assure you, no doctor could ever guarantee you that any of those treatments would work.

It's all a game of chance: only it's your money, your time and your health on the table.
For example...

Did you know that you have to wait for a year and a half to know if your dental implant is a success or not?

Implants are usually a two-part process - first putting in the implant, then waiting for the area to heal and covering it with a crown six to 3-4 months later...

And then, only if 1 year passes without infections or other complications, can you finally breathe a sigh of relief...

As if this depressing list wasn't, the dentist dropped the second bomb on me...

I needed surgery.

You see, my fallen tooth had a fractured root. A piece of this root was still buried deep inside my gums, causing an infection.

So, we needed to remove the remaining bits and fast, before the infection was going to spread even more.

As the doctor explained to me, a tooth infection can "invade" your brain in a matter of hours and lead to severe complications, and even death.

Why? Because each one of your teeth is connected to your brain through tiny nerves.

The infection can travel from the tooth to the the eyes...and ultimately to the brain.

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