Home remedy for wounds


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There many ways to take cure of body wounds.
Body wounds can cause a lot of infections that can paralyze and kill the person . This is a serious case that we need to take cure on time. When their is wound in any part of the body,we need to quit wash the wound with clean water, if the blood is gushing out,we can raise the part of the wound up to stop the wounds. Get the sap of jatropha leaf and spread it on the wounds to protect the wound from infections, and also your can use hydrogen peroxide and use jatropha to cover it for two days. If their is no change try to see doctor immediately.
Alum or aluminum sulfate which we are using to pure and clean water is also effective anti-septic. It is available in house. We can wash wound with it. Turmeric is also effective anti septic. We can use it to heal-up wounds. It is much popular in India, We are also using it as spice.