How Can I Learn Node JS


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It is a JavaScript framework that is used to write server side code for a web server, before JavaScript is only used on the front end but due to advancement in technology and the vast developer community that JavaScript has, we now have a framework that works on the back end.

So nodeJS, works the way JavaScript work on the front end but instead of dealing with the document object model it deals with the server, is used to create a server and communicate with the database and also establish connection between the two.

It has a very nice documentation at, it is a single threaded technology that deals with data asynchronously and it is also very fast it can be used to create chat applications using one of it famous framework like

With the advent of NodeJs a lot of front end developers do not have to learn a new programming language from scratch all they have to do is read the documentation and start creating full stack applications.

It is also used in famous companies like Apple, Netflix and Facebook.

If you are coming from the front end track, learning will not be complex for you.
Half of documentation is on Google and half of documentation is on official node js site and half on the framework like node and symfony node and Laravel node and react node and Django node and PHP.