How do I create free and strong backlinks for my new website


One of the best ways to create free and strong backlinks for your new website is through social media.

If you aren't familiar with the concept of "social media," think of it as a way to share content with friends, family, and other people who are interested in what you do. Social media can include anything from Facebook groups to Twitter accounts, but for our purposes here, we'll focus on Instagram.

Instagram is a great place to get started because it allows you to post images directly to users' newsfeeds without them having to leave their social media platform. This means that if someone sees an interesting picture in their feed, they can click a button and see the full-size version of it!

Once you've created a profile on Instagram (or any other social media site), it's time to start posting! You should aim for at least three posts per week: one image (with text) on Sundays; one video (with text) on Mondays; and one link post (text-free) on Tuesdays. Posts should be posted at least once every three days so that people have time between seeing them in their feeds and clicking on them before they forget about them completely.