How do I make $50 dollars per day in affiliate marketing?


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Affiliate marketing is about making money. Gobs of money. Money for doing nothing. At least that’s what a quick Google search would have you believe, but as usual, the truth is a little more complex than that. Yes, you can make money through affiliate marketing. Good money. And, yes, you can even make money while you sleep.

If you’re already into affiliate marketing, you’ll probably still find something in here you haven’t thought of before. ?

If you have hosted a website or blog then you can earn by affiliate other product or service. For that, you need to create:
Quality content

Now that the framework of your page is ready to go, you need to create content. Some affiliate networks and affiliate programs require you to already have established content, site traffic, and monthly views at a certain level before they’ll accept you as an affiliate, so be sure to read the eligibility requirements for the specific networks and programs you’re considering before you apply.

This doesn’t mean that you have to create 100 blog posts before you can even think about becoming an affiliate marketer, but you should have at least 5 strong posts already on your site with more scheduled.

There are HUGE advantages for utilizing SEO, you can read on GOEASYFUNNELS about it.

and then

Choose Affiliate Products to Promote

If you’ve done the work to choose a niche, choosing affiliate products to promote should be easy! Choose products that fit your niche and relate to your content.

Where do you get ideas for products to promote? Anywhere, really:

Promote Products you Already Use, What do you already use and love? There’s probably an affiliate program for that.

Make a list of all of the products and services that you use and hit up Google to find their affiliate programs. Then, write reviews and plug in the affiliate links.

Based on my own experience, I would recommend the following two methods.


The best long-term strategy is to create a website with helpful content and then link to various products when appropriate.

To get people to click on your links and buy what you recommend, you first need to build trust through your content.

As is often repeated in online marketing: you need to provide value to your audience first.

If build it right, your website will be a prized asset that will bring you passive income all day, every day — this is the best-case scenario for an affiliate marketer.
However, as you’ve probably guessed, it takes time and patience to build it to the point of getting $50+ consistently every day.

Most people won’t have the persistence to follow through, but if you want it bad enough, it’s not unrealistic to get there in under a year.

If you want to set up a website, in 20 minutes or less (step by step). CHECH OUT GOEASYFUNNELS website


Want something simpler?

Then I suggest creating a Youtube channel and doing helpful, high-quality reviews of certain products.

These should be products that can be linked to via an affiliate program.

Even though Amazon’s affiliate program has pretty low commission rates, it’s one of the easiest ones to get started with.

This is because the product selection is simply enormous, and most people don’t think twice when buying from them.
In order to get your videos ranked, they need to be of high quality — make sure to use a good mic and camera.

Also, you need to show the products in the videos, so you will have to invest a bit in buying them.

However, you can always return or resell them later to recover some of the cost.

Additionally, your keyword research should be on point.

Basically, people need to be searching for reviews of these products, and the keywords can’t be too saturated with other high-quality videos.

Getting enough views to get daily $50 commissions won’t happen overnight.

However, if you choose your products wisely and crank out a good deal of helpful reviews, this is one of the surest ways to make affiliate sales relatively fast.

Good luck!