How do i stop the habit of spending lavishly


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I usually feel happy and envy those who save money and use it later but I just came to think of it now I myself spend money lavishly.

This has been a habit which I have been battling with since I was a child but it seems I can't combat it as I even spend money without even realizing it until it gets exhausted and am left with nothing before I'll start to think normal.

I thought it was because I didn't have a bank account so I bought a saving box and started saving I didn't even know what pushed me to start taking out of the money again until the box was empty.

What actually happens is that whenever I have with me that's when I'll start seeing enticing things which I have wanted to buy when I didn't have money sometimes I even buy more than I need or even buy what I don't even need I usually thought of this as a habit but I think its getting worse now I don't have the habit of keeping money anymore the only way I avoid the habit of when I don't take money with me.

Pls how do I avoid reckless spending??
Yeah that true if you want to keep money keep money for spending lavishly cost a lot of things like you wasting your money brokenness you don't have money to do anything what you want to do if you spend your money lavishly won't be able to help yourself and whatever you want to do to make sure you keep money and spenit lavishly is not good and it gives bad habit Andy money spending money lavishly cost a lot of things if you spend money lavishly you won't help yourself like taking care of yourself with getting yourself some clean clothes and so on so forth it is a if you spend money wisely is not give you a good Sensibility of making an investment for start up a business to progress if you spend money lavishly you will not progress or spending money lavishly is not good that's why you make sure you keep your money in a good and safe place for using it anything you want to know if it's business trading getting a new job getting a new wife getting a new car you can save up your money don't spend the money lavishly start a business so if you spend money wisely will start a business and make progress in it
Spending lavishly is no doubt a serious problem. It makes an individual not to have any saving and it will dub an individual an unserious fellow. That's the main reason the problem should be tackled on time in order to prevent all the other consequences that may follow it.

Have to do list. It is very necessary for someone that always spend lavishly to have list of some items that he or she will need for that moment. There is no doubt that human wants and needs are very unlimited. That's why we must have list of those things that are very dear to us.

Reduce friends. Friends are the number factor that determines how we live our lives. They are great influence on all our dealing and they make sure they impact on us positively or even negatively. For someone that's contemplating on having saving. Then there is need not to be moving with some friends that may be of bad influence.

Save first. When we have money either our salary or wherever the money may come from, we should make sure we save first before we start spending. If we decide to spend first, we may end up spending everything.
It is great that you are aware of your lavish spending habits. I think that self awareness is the first step to resolution in such an issue. Once you realize that you spend your money carelessly, you will start making steps on how to start making changes in the way you spend money.

But awareness is not enough to actually start spending wisely. You need to work on saying no to your spending urges. Once you just get the urge to spend in something that isn't actually needed right now, you just say no and avoid buying it. Doing this the first time is so hard, bit the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Of which you first need to make a budget of your needs and wants. You need to prioritize your needs which includes food, clothes, rent and maybe school fees or a course you are studying. But take care that your needs are reasonable too, like buy clothes that you can actually afford.

Then you need to stay disciplined, that you spend your money on the needs and not wants. Self discipline is something you decide to do and stick to it. When an urge comes, accept it as part of you then say no to it. It makes it easier to be disciplined.
Yeah that true spending money lavishly is a self awareness you can start making step on how to make changes spending money lavishly is not good spending money lavishly make it lose a lot of things like you going to know the internet so don't even get in for spending money life is lazy bad habits so you try to make The Hobbit videos and try to encourage yourself and keeping money spending money lavishly won't help you at work spending money lavishly it's a bad habit that gives bad character on money love spending money lavishly will not help you to progress in either your business your category or what you do for a living your work for keeping money will let you get more of what you need so try to keep money and don't spend money lavishly in whatever you do so try to stop spending money lavishly it's gives bad a commitment to try to manage what you have and don't spend money lavishly keeping money give you a lot of good ideas awareness of what you want to do with your money for spending money lavishly it will give you any help you can help me with anything you are doing keeping money is helps you to give you your life and idea to know what to do In life
I think there are ways to stop the habit of excessive spending. However, there are some people who are just chronic spenders and no matter how they get financial advice, they would still spend lavishly. Nevertheless, one of the ways to stop spending lavishly is by having a goal. I'll make this clearer by making use of an illustration. For instance, if you set out a goal to either further your studies or build a house in order to rent it out to tenants, this would help to keep your mind focused on how to economize and source for money to complete the project.

There are some people who are so addicted to spending such that, even when they do not have a need for a particular product, they have that irresistible urge to spend money and at the end of it, they would go into borrowing money for more irrelevant spending. Well, one other way to reduce the urge of excessive spending is to opt for a fixed deposit account and save the money for a long-term goal, while at the same time, you make it a duty to devise an ultimate plan towards achieving your goal. Spending is very easy but making money is difficult, hence, we should be cautious.
To stop spending lavishly and to save some more money, you have to first decide fully in your mind. Here are some tips that can assist you save more money and stop lavishing:

1. Go out less often: going out for lunch or dinner alone or with friends take a big chunk of your money. Instead, prepare your meal at home and go out very occasionally.

2. Do not get carried away by buying everything on sale. You don't need all those things that are on sale in order to break your fast. The key is to buy what you really need instead of what is on sale at a cheaper price. A good way to know if you really need something or not is to ask yourself, do I really need this? If yes then buy it, if not then leave it, it will only add up more expenses in your shopping cart.

3. Plan a budget for the entire month and stick to it! Make sure you don't go over budget because that will only add up more expenses and will make it harder for you to save money!

4. Keep track of your expenses throughout the entire month so that you can see how much you are able to save.

5. Don't try to impress anybody.
If you want to stop the habit of spending lavishly then you must know the meaning of savings and you must learn on how to save. There are many ways on which you can save your money you can save your money in the bank because is one of the saved place where you can save your money and any other value can also save your money in any wallet you want to make use of like into cryptocurrency or you can also make the use of saving box..... there are things which you can use that money which you are spending lavishy to do...

There are many things which are happening now are day like you see your buying this you also we want to buy it or anything you see you will want to buy it all this money you used to buy snack and many things which are not important to you why can't you save that money for future purpose... some people we go to market to be buy such of expensive clothes and shoes Even must especially the women who buy make up just to look beautiful in the eyes of Men,why save All those money which you used to buy all those things and used your natural beauty to look good in the eyes of Men , because no Man we like to marry a someone who don't know the value of money and how to save money....