How do you handle an employee who is not loyal


Active member
Loyalty and honesty build a good relationship at work or in business,and these days it is actually not easy to see such person,they are many out there but the ones who are not honest and loyal are the majority. Loyalty is a key to any business because without them your business will not take long to crash,some employees never appreciate or respect their employers who are good to them.

I have a personal experience 5 years ago. When I was in business before everything crashed,all thanks to armed robbers,my shop was invaded,I took all my employees as my family,I was literally calling everyone my girl,I never for once treated them like my workers,when one of them was getting married,I gave her a good gift she deserves,so as she can start her own business. But one of my workers got upset and started stealing from me,took some months before I realized what was happening. After I arrested her,I bailed her out myself because I already took her as family and it pains me to see her in such torture,I just have to bail her and sacked her immediately.

That was when I knew we should never trust and how some employees do betrayed their boss with no conscience
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Valued Contributor
On the issue of disloyal workers, I won't have much to say and do.
First thing first, you must have tangible cases you of disloyalty that you can refer to which specifically involves the person in question. If it is truly verified that such a person has some attitudes that can be termed as that of disloyalty, then the next thing is a frank warning.

Give that person a warning and you can do that in many ways. Sit the person down, send an email or message and etc. Make sure the person knows that you are conscious and aware of his or her behaviours and that failure to stop will have some very grave consequences.

Then if after doing that the attitude never stops, I will have all right to sack such a person. Anyone with the attitude of disloyalty is a very big threat to you and your business and must be done away with as soon as possible.


Valued Contributor
I believe loyalty is earned. No employee who is treated with dignity and honor would ever be disloyal. For every disloyal employee, the boss takes the bulk of the blame. Some bosses are brutes. And they forget that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If bosses are fair to their employees, they would in turn be loyal to their bosses.

How can someone be making millions from an organization from the creativity, time, and talents of others but pays them peanuts? Disloyalty must necessarily come in. Some bosses have uncouth mouths. They verbally abuse their employees and destroy their self-esteem. That alone can trigger disloyalty.

I have worked in several organizations and the longest duration I have worked in a place is 1 year. And that is the place I am currently working. My boss is respectful and humble. Even when a rival organization offered better pay, I stuck to my boss.