How Gonorrhea disease can be Transmitted ?.


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These disease call Gonorrhea are usually spread by sexual contact, and have the same early signs. Often a person has both gonorrhea and chlamydia at the same time, so usually both diseases should be treated.

The signs in the men:

-Pain or difficulty with urination.
-Drops of pus from the penis.
- sometimes there is painful swelling of the testicles.


-Painful swelling in one or both knees, ankles or wrists, or many other problems.
  • Rash or sores all over the body.
  • He may become sterile ( cannot make a woman pregnant).


-At first, there are often no symptoms ( she may feel a litre pain when uniearing or have a slight vaginal discharge)
- If a pregnant woman with honorrhea is not treated before given birth. The infection may get in the baby's eyes and make him blind.

  • Pain in the lower belly.
  • She may become sterile.
  • Menstrual problems.
-Urinary problems.

In a man, the first signs begin 2 to 5 days ( oevup to 3 weeks or more) after sexual contact with an infected person.

But in a woman, signs may not show up for weeks or months. But a person who does not show any sign can give the disease to someone else, starting a few days after becoming infected.

A person with gonorrgea may also have syphilis without knowing it. Sometimes irbis beat to go ahead and give the full treatment for syphilis,bexaus because the gonorrhea treatment may prevent the first syphilis symptoms, but may not cure the duaease.

If you notice these signs please visit Doctor.

What is your take about this?
Thank you for your explanation, this will enlightenment so many people, what we have to understand is that any sexually transmitted infection can be transferred to another person, sometimes it can be done without the receiver knowing for many months and sometimes year because the body immune system may be able to suppress it for longer time but will eventually manifest themselves, it is just for us to take all the preventive measure to stop the transmission of dangerous disease into the body, some can cause impotence and some can cause erectile dysfunction in men.. maybe experience symptoms like this it is for us to see a doctor