How Hookworm attack.


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Hookworms cannot usually be seen in the feces. A stool analysis is needed to prove that they are there. The worms suck blood, and can cause anemia. There is a similar worm called strongyloided which may be found in the stools of children or adults. Treat ad for hookworm.

Here are the ways through which Hookworms spread:

(1) The baby hookworms enter a person's bare feet. This can cause itching.

(2) In a few days they reach the lungs through the blood stream. They may cause a dry cough ( rarely with blood).

(3) The person coughs up the young worms and swallows them.

(4) A few days later the person may have diarrhea or a stomach - ache.

(5) The hookworms attach themselves to the walls of the hut, where they feed on the blood they suck. Many worms can cause weakness and severe anemia.

(6) The hookworm eggs leave the body in the person's stools. The eggs hatch on moist soil.

Heavy infections of hookworm are nearly always in people of 15 years or over, so hookworm disease, and the anemia which follows, is a problem for adults, and is much less common in children. Unless a stool test in a child with anemia shows a heavy hookworm infection, look for other causes of the anemia.

Use mebendazole or albendazole. For dosage and precautions,. Treat anemia by eating foods rich in iron and if necessary by taking iron pills.