How Long Should You Run Your Marketing Campaign


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Manufacturing, finance, accounting, sales, etc. are different business functions. Business cannot exist with these functions. Just like manufacturing or finance, marketing is also one of the business functions. A business does not exist without manufacturing, or finance, the same is the case with marketing. A business will not happen if there is no marketing. In fact, marketing is so important that a business is 25 percent product and 75 percent marketing.

Marketing is not something like you run an ad campaign on Facebook or TV. Boom! Your products start selling. Marketing does not happen in this way, marketing is a systematic approach to build your brand, promote your products, and generate sales. Marketing is also a long term method. You need to constantly run your marketing campaigns to remain afloat in the market. That’s why major brands never stops their advertising campaigns. Why do you think Coca Cola or Red Bull always sponsor events. Do you realize the moment, they stop their marketing campaigns, they will lose their market to Pepsi or Sting.
If you are a small business owner, you should not entirely depend on paid marketing campaigns to drive sales. When you generate sales through ads, your profit margins will be small. Sometimes, you might be even spending more money on ads compared to revenue from selling. A small business owners should focus on using free marketing methods like social media. Instead of spending $100 on Adword campaign, or Facebook Ads, spend $100 to run ads for your Facebook or Instagram Page. When you run ads, your page will reach in the feed of the people who might be interested in following you. When you build followers, you can start promoting your products to your followers and generate profits. When you spend $100 on ads, and the moment, ads stop, you will also stop generating sales, however, when you spent money to build a community, you can continue to promote in your community for free.