How much time/resources should I devote to blog?


VIP Contributor
The answer to this question is really up to you.

If you have a lot of spare time and are willing to dedicate yourself to this, it can be a good idea. You can also think about how much time your audience will spend on your blog, and how many views will come from them. If you do it right, then you can earn some money from that too!

If you have little spare time, but still want to try it out, then maybe start with one blog post a week or so. This way you won't get overwhelmed and feel like you failed immediately. Then find ways to monetize your content later on!

Here are some general guidelines:

1. You can devote between 2 and 4 hours a day to blogging. That may sound like a lot, but remember that it's just a part of your job as a writer.

2. If you're going full-time with blogging, then it's important for your productivity that you keep your schedule flexible. For example, if you have an event or assignment that conflicts with your plans for blogging, make sure you let them know so they can adjust accordingly (and vice versa! If they want their material in on time, let them know what's coming up). Or if they need an article written in a certain way and something else comes up, ask them if they can give you some extra time to get it done by their deadline or better yet, split it up and get one article done tonight and another tomorrow morning before work! This will help ensure that each blogger gets the maximum amount of content out there as soon as possible.