How to avoid been scammed by Business partners


Active member
I have seen a lot of people being scammed by business partners or associate not because the signs were not there but because the business owner had turned a blind eye to seemly obvious red flags.

To avoid being scammed a business proposal that is too good to be true might really be,any proposal that the profit percentage is more than 80% profit is a red flag and more investigation or research should be done to ascertain it authenticity.

Try to do most of the things the business demands that way one will be in the know and see the dubious ways in no time.

Try to handle all transactions that involves money and never leave huge sums in partner's hands.

What other ways can scam be avoided in business by business partners?
One thing i recommend is documenting agreements, having a partner is also essential to help you manage your business. But this is not all about business, trust and loyalty within partners is essential to make things right and in standard.

It is always wise to have an agreement between partners to assure that everything will turn out good according to the agreement when something bad happen. Documenting it and having it notarized will make a difference because of liability.
That's right, much better to have an agreement about the business. All the asset should be properly listed, and I think much better to avoid your friends to become partner, much better to find other person if you cant build it on your own.
  • To avoid be scammed, consider the points below:
  • Before you enter into a business partnership, just as prior to marriage, date first. Do some smaller projects with your prospective partner to get a good idea of the kind of person you'll be depending on.
  • Exercise oversight of your entire business, either directly or by hiring a third party such as an outside accountant. This means never simply handing off responsibility and saying something like, "You handle everything in regards to money--that's not my thing."
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One thing i recommend is documenting agreements, having a partner is also essential to help you manage your business. But this is not all about business, trust and loyalty within partners is essential to make things right and in standard.

It is always wise to have an agreement between partners to assure that everything will turn out good according to the agreement when something bad happen. Documenting it and having it notarized will make a difference because of liability.
Check your account books more often or periodically. This is where scam really prevsil the account books when left unchecked for a long time will allow scam to go on for a long time. It will also be important to first employ a trust worthy person. Sometimes think it shouldn't just be a random person.
Being very carefulis important whenever you are making business deals especially with people you do not trust and only met for the very first time. I have even seen a situation whereby people get scammed in business with people they have known for a very long time. So it is therefore important always carry out business is when a deal is being signed and you are sure that you cannot be scammed.