How to checkmate emotions during retirement period


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There's is the need to acknowledge One's emotions during the retirement period because it will always come up. The truth is that there's no right or wrong way to respond when dealing with a significant life change. so there's no need beating one self into feeling a particular way after retirement.

The fact remains that at will feel a mix of emotions which could be anger, sadness, anxiety, grief-stricken etc.

The thing is that by acknowledging and accepting your feelings at that time, you’ll realize that even the most intense emotions will soon pass.

So how can you acknowledged this emotions to stay sane in retirement.

Seek social support

You don’t have to face the challenges of retirement alone. You would need to talk to a close friend about what you’re going through The thing is that reaching out to share the burden can help ease the bad feelings. You can adopt emotional Intelligence Toolkit to better cope with your emotions.

Accept your reality

Accept the things that you can’t change. You have retired and might not be in contact with your former colleagues like you used you have to let things and only refocus your energy on things that you do have control over,

Redefine your identity.

Life is for a living. so during retirement adopt new ways of defining yourself through non-work-related activities and relationships. Avoid focusing on the past to avoid getting emotional.