How to Differentiate Uterus Didelphys from chimera Medical Conditions?


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So I stumbled on a post "Uterus Didelphys" on BBC News Pidgin on Facebook.

A Ghanaian lady Elizabeth Amoaa who had two wombs, two cervixes, plus two vag****(canals). She talked about various complications ranging from several surgeries, pains, menstruation during pregnancy, carrying a child in her womb and a lot more. Fortunately, she had a baby. Generic comments followed, where people tagged her "Chimera", while some said " she ate her twin in the womb". Could this be true?

Uterus Didelphys Vs Chimera

Uterus didelphys:
is a congenital malformation that results in the presence of two uteri, two cervixes, and separated vaginal canals. It is often associated with the absence of fallopian tubes or the presence of rudimentary ones, which makes pregnancy difficult and near-impossible. This is the most common Mullerian duct abnormality and occurs in approximately 1 in 3,000 live births.

Chimera: a collection of cells from two fertilized eggs that fuse together to form one individual. The resulting person has two different sets of DNA in each cell (the original egg cells were not identical), and physical characteristics reflecting both parents. Most commonly affects women and results in them having “seamless” patches of skin that are lighter than the rest of their body, but can also affect eye color or internal organs as well. In rare cases, it has been known to cause individuals to have reproductive organs from both sexes or gonads from one sex and external genitalia from another.

It will interest you to know that Uterus Didelphys is a Hereditary condition even though she claimed none of her family had such, however, Chimera is an accidental fusion of two embryos. What do you think about these medical conditions?
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