How to earn from forex as a newbie


New member
Profit maximization is the goal of every businessman and every forex trader tries hard and soul to maximize their profit. Traders can trade Forex seating at home and it is the cardinal advantage of Forex. Traders like this advantage and they want to do well utilizing this advantage.
Agreed! Traders need to treat trading as a business and should do all the due diligence a business man does before entering the market.


New member
Newbies earning through forex is out of pure luck. It’s crucial to gain experience and learn well to make money. As newbies would lack both, they will probably have to wait for some time to start making income through trading.


New member
My suggestion to beginners to earn from forex is by prioritising on risk management. No matter how small profits you make, it is important to reduce and curb your risk so that you do not keep losing your profits and capital. Use risk management strategies like the 2% rule, and stop loss.


New member
When you first begin your career in trading, it will be very challenging, but it is not impossible to turn a profit. You can make money if you have a reasonable amount of knowledge and understanding of the market. It requires a significant investment of time, patience, and effort on your part.


New member
No hard and fast rule works here. This gives beginners an advantage to build strategies in accordance with their market understanding and move ahead accordingly. But make sure that you don’t go beyond your risk tolerance because the goal is to stay in the market for a long run; not just making a few trades and leaving.


New member
Understanding forex is the only way for a beginner to make money with it. Before we could make money from trading, we were all novices once and had to spend a lot of time learning and refining our skills. Read some decent books on forex and begin by practicing on the demo account.


New member
If you have a long trading career in your mind, shift your focus from money-making to learning as a beginner. We know that you are here for money but you need to learn skills before your earnings start. It may take some time and if you can’t keep patience until you learn skills, you will leave the market and blame it for not getting your profits.

Ivo Zetticci

Verified member
Every mistake leaves a lesson. But traders are reluctant to earning knowledge from that mistake rather they love take revenge by overtrading.


New member
I don’t see a possibility! It’s not easy for anyone to make profits through forex trading as it is a highly risky activity. It might be easy for beginners to open their trading accounts and start trading but they may struggle to understand the live market and how it functions. To make profits, they would need to spend enough time in the forex market.


Well from my own point of view I think forex trading in only for the expert in trading because main looking at it, it's kinda confusing especially for people with no experience of trading, one needs to learn from an expert before you can go into forex trading so you wouldn't lose all your hard earn money


New member
It is difficult to make money without proper market knowledge and expertise. As a new trader, you are unfamiliar with the market and lack expertise. Therefore, it will be challenging for you to make money. It is preferable to prioritise knowledge and skill development right now. It can assist you in becoming acquainted with the market and making money later on.


New member
A newbie should always start with demo trading. They should understand what forex truly is before risking their money in it. Devising a strategy or trading plan is just as important. Risk management should be your top most priority as a trader. You should not expect to make profits from day one. Just focus on learning and eventually you will start earning too.


New member
As a newbie, I recommend you to focus on developing trading psychology, and technical analysis. Prioritise analysing price chart patterns, and do not completely rely on indicators, but use them as a double-checking method for your analysis of price charts. Focusing on trading psychology will not only increase your proficiency of understanding trades, and carrying it out more productively, but also, improving trading psychology will prevent you from being affected by negative emotions like - fear, anger, greed, overconfidence, anxiety, etc. As a perk, it acts as a form of reducing your risks.


New member
5 Simple Ways to Get Into Forex Trading for Beginners
  1. Choose a Reputable Forex Broker.
  2. Start With Demo Trades. Learn basics of Forex with Forex Professional Trading Course by Market Experts.
  3. Use Micro Accounts.
  4. Take Time to Learn.
  5. Research Currency Pairs.


New member
If you truly want to make money from forex trading and establish yourself as a successful trader, you must constantly improve your knowledge. No automated system or robot can guarantee your success in the market, but your learning and hard work can.


New member
When you're starting out, it's important to focus on enhancing your skills rather than making money. The forex market can be quite profitable, if you have a solid understanding of how things work. It is critical to develop a strategy and select the currency pair that best suits your personality. Furthermore, you must be able to balance emotions because forex is a psychological game.


New member
To earn, you first need to learn the best approach for your plan so analyse the market sentiment. Spend time reading books and watching YouTube videos by various influencers giving tips on how to trade well. If you gain knowledge, you will be able to know how to function in the market and bring consistent profit.


Verified member
The best way to make money from forex as a beginner is to learn forex trading by heart. Do not be in a hurry to make money from forex without at least having the basic knowledge of forex trading. If you don't have the basic knowledge of forex trading, you would neither make profits nor get your capital back. So, it is very important to know what forex trading is and how it works in order to avoid the risks that are inherent in it(forex trading)

The knoledge of forex trading can be acquired free or through paid courses. Good examples of places to learn the trade are Udemy, Youtube, Google, Bing,Cousera and so on.

Although forex trading involves taking risks, it is one of the fastest ways to make money online.


New member
While anyone can trade forex, it takes a skilled trader to manage their emotions and make profits while dealing with the market shifts. It is not an easy situation to be in and many newbies phase out and walk away from their goal because they couldn’t follow a plan. Discipline in carrying out actions is what matters in this market. Timing and taking precautions to lessen the risk factors is the goal to profit.


New member
If you're just starting out, you should first understand how forex trading works. You must study the basics of trading and about currency pairs as well. Furthermore, have a solid risk management strategy in place to maximise profits. It assists you in making money while minimising losses. Be consistent and be realistic in your expectations; your chances of success increase the more focused and disciplined you are.