How to Get 100 Dollars Without a Payday Loan?


If you need $100 right now, the first step is to take a look at your finances and see if there's anything you can cut back on in order to free up some cash. Maybe you can cancel your cable subscription or eat out less often. Or, if you have any extra money left over at the end of each month, start putting it into a savings account so that you'll have an emergency fund to draw from when unexpected expenses come up.

Get a Loan from a Friend or Family Member

If you have a friend or family member who is willing and able to lend you $100, that's probably your best option. Not only will they likely give you a much better interest rate than a payday lender, but they'll also be more understanding and flexible if you need to make late payments or extend the loan for longer than originally agreed upon. Just be sure to put everything in writing so there's no confusion about the terms of the loan later on down the road.

Use a Credit Card

If you have good credit, using a credit card is another viable option for getting $100 quickly. You can either withdraw cash from an ATM (though this will usually incur additional fees) or use your credit card to make purchases and then pay off the balance immediately so that you don't accrue any interest charges. Just be sure not to max out your credit card or spend more than you can afford to pay back right away, as this could put you in serious financial jeopardy down the road.

Get a Personal Loan from a Bank or Credit Union

If you need $100 and have good credit, taking out a personal loan from a bank or credit union is another option worth considering. Personal loans usually come with relatively low interest rates (especially if you have good credit), and many banks and credit unions offer same-day funding for qualified applicants. So if you need cash fast, this could be one option worth looking into further.

Find Other Sources of Financial Assistance

There are other sources of financial assistance available if you need help making ends meet or covering unexpected expenses. If you're struggling to make ends meet, contact your local United Way chapter or 2-1-1 hotline for information on government assistance programs like food stamps or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). You may also qualify for help with utility bills through government assistance programs like LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program).