How to identify a job interview scam?


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If you live in developing countries like Nigeria and others , you will agree with me that there are a lot of people who are into the scam habit of sending out fake job interview invitations to job seekers, only for them to end up scamming this potential job seekers of their hard-earned money.
Sometimes , they even appear so professional that it will take a very high sense of curiosity before you will be able to find out that they are not really legit at all.
In some cases , most of them are even ritualist hold use those potential job-seekers for some fetish things .

It is now up to potential job seekers to make sure that they do their own due diligence about any reliable information that they find online . Desperation to get a job should not make you to stop thinking, because this would get you into trouble if you get into the hands of people who are out there scamming others .

Some of the ways to identify such scam interviews are :
  • They always do not have a website for their organisation.
  • There is no any reliable information about them that you can find online .
  • Their offices are not located in popular part of the societies but in some unrecognised areas.

Any additional information?
There are so many fake job interviews lately and this is really in my country because they know how desperate individuals are when it comes to looking for a job. It is such a pity that students would graduate from school and start loitering around the streets in search of jobs. This has made some jobless people take this as a leverage to exploit people. In my country, it gets so bad, that we pay agents to find jobs for us and at the end, they look for a meagre job that is not even worth the money you had invested to help in search of a job. Most scam jobs does not come with a location, it would be written that interested people should call a particular number.

Individuals in search for a job needs to be very careful because people do go missing all in the name of job hunting. Fake jobs I have come across is mostly in the marketing sector, they make people pay money just to get a form filled, which later they use them to market their products for free. One of the ways to also know fake jobs is when you randomly receive invitation mails for jobs you never applied for.
Those are very good tips that you have shared. My country Kenya faces so many such issues too. There are so many con men who will invite you for such fake interviews and rob you of your money only to end up not getting the job. It is always best for job seekers to be very careful.

One thing you should always have in mind is that getting a job should never involve having to pay for it. So anyone who asks you to pay some money is just trying to use you. You may get the job but still there are so many jobs that you I'll get freely without paying money.

Another red flag is when the company calling you for an interview is not known by anyone and has no online presence. Sometimes, you will find that you did not even apply for the job. So why should you accept it, let alone pay any money to them.

Lastly, you will know it is scam when the interview is not carried out within the business or company's premises. It could be a company that you know really well but the place where you are called for interview is suspicious. When they ask for money in such a place, don't give them. Never even go to places you find suspicious, it could be dangerous.
First, you’ll need to understand the difference between a job scam and a legitimate job. A real job interview will:

Require you to show up in person somewhere, or at least talk over the phone.

Provide a real company name, not just “Company X” or “Unknown Company.”

Be detailed about your hiring manager’s name and contact information, so you can verify that they actually work there.

Be clear about the skills and experience you need to successfully do the job.

Never ask for your credit card or bank account information.

Watch out for these red flags:

They offer you a job before interviewing you.

The company is vague about where they’re located and who they are.

They ask for personal information like your social security number, bank account number, or credit card number before offering you a job.

The job doesn't post a salary range

The listing doesn't have an address for the company office

They don't provide any details about the company or the job

They ask for money or personal info before you've actually applied

They want you to pay money in order to apply.

They ask you to come alone.
Recently, there are so many job interviews that are being scam just because there aware of lack of opportunities in the country and the harsh economic realities but it still baffles me how someone will just choose to waste his time and also waste the time of individuals only in the name of exploiting. I have been to an interview and the advert was quite eye-catching but at a point of, I noticed that there were several other people there. The next thing we summoned into a hall and being called seriously asked to submit our details with a token or $10.

It did not sink down well with me because, I did not know what was going on. I thought I had gone there for an interview and most people were pessimistic and also confused as I was. So, those in charge took time and then explained that it is a marketing work and one needs to register before you can be given the job. It sounded fake and it was not stated on the advert I came across so I immediately took my credentials and I left. There are many ways to recognise scam interviews and one of them is by asking questions, by finding through online, for similar views of the interview.