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Determining whether a girl likes you can be challenging, as everyone expresses their interest differently. However, here are some common signs that may indicate a girl has feelings for you:

1. Body Language: Pay attention to her body language when she's around you. Signs such as leaning in when talking, maintaining eye contact, facing you directly, playing with her hair, or touching her face can indicate that she's interested.

2. Increased Attention: If she shows a heightened interest in your life, asks questions, and remembers details about your conversations, it suggests that she values your presence and wants to know more about you.

3. Initiating Contact: If she frequently initiates contact, whether it's through text messages, calls, or social media, it could be a positive sign. Taking the initiative to reach out and maintain communication shows that she wants to stay connected with you.

4. Spending Time Together: If she willingly spends time with you and seeks opportunities to hang out or participate in activities together, it indicates that she enjoys your company and wants to build a connection.

5. Flirting: Playful teasing, light touches, and subtle flirting are often indicators of romantic interest. If she exhibits these behaviors, she might be trying to create a romantic or flirty atmosphere.

6. Compliments and Support: If she compliments you regularly, acknowledges your accomplishments, and offers emotional support, it could be a sign that she genuinely cares about you and wants to make you feel good.

7. Jealousy or Protective Behavior: If she displays signs of jealousy or protective behavior when other people show interest in you or when you interact with other girls, it could suggest that she's possessive and wants you for herself.

8. Nervousness or Shyness: Some girls may become nervous or shy around someone they like. If she appears slightly nervous, blushes, stumbles over her words, or fidgets when you're around, it could be an indication of her feelings.

It's important to remember that these signs are not definitive proof of someone's feelings, and individual behavior can vary. The best way to know for sure is through open and honest communication. If you're interested in a girl, consider expressing your feelings and asking her directly about her thoughts and emotions. Clear and direct communication is often the most effective way to understand someone's true feelings.