How To Lower Down Your Heart Rate?


VIP Contributor
Heart is one of the most important things in our body because it keeps us alive and it pumps blood, which is vital for us to live. heart pumps blood so that the blood could circulate around the body and make us healthier because a good supply of blood is needed to maintain a good health. However, many experts have warned that palpitation of heart is very bad for us. According to Mayo Clinic, a heart rate of 40 beats per minute indicates that the heart is in a healthy position, but some people might have a heart rate of up to 100 bets per minute. Anything above 100 beats per minute is considered unhealthy and if a person has abnormal heart rate, then it is considered a case of "Tachycardia". If a person exercises and takes care of his heart, then he may lower down the heart rate, as exercising is good for heart health. I am a healthy person, but I want to lower down my heart rate more. What ways would you suggest me to lower down my heart rate?
Besides regular work outs, I think another way to have a healthy heart would be to eat healthy, reduce your intake of oily food and junk food as well and eat more healthy food and fruits. Reduce or if possible stop late night eating. Late Night eating could lead to high cholesterol which would in turn lead to blood viscosity, which could over work the heart.