How to Make Money Helping People Store Their Goods.


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I have a friend who has been very successful at making money helping people store their goods. He charges a small fee to store your goods and then give them back to you at a discount when you need them. He has helped me out a few times, so I know he is good at what he does.He started the business by renting out his garage for storage. Both the price and the level of service were reasonable. His customers were happy, and he made plenty of extra money on top of what they paid him to store their stuff.

He then decided that he wanted to open up an actual physical facility where people could store their belongings in safety. He found some space near his home and built himself a nice little building with lockers and everything (he bought all of the materials himself). The rent was still low, but there was no guarantee that it would stay that way if word got out about how well my friend was doing at it; so my friend decided not to advertise yet (and still does not advertise). He just lets his customers know about it when they ask about storing their things for them (and only then).
That is a very good business that your friend started. People never run out of business ideas for sure. You may think that storing things for people is not a business idea, but look at the success that your friend has made out of it. I am sure that now he has so many customers who trust him and even refer other people to him.

What is needed in this business is having adequate space that you can use to store the stuff. Most probably your own home or a property that you own. That way, you don't have the expense of renting a space for this business.

Then you need to have good storage facilities. Maybe good shelves and specific storage equipments for storing goods safely so as not to experience loss.

Then the storage facility needs to be free from rodents and any other vectors that may destroy the stored items. That is something you should really consider.
I think I like this business concept. Aside from stuff that we keep in our homes, like food and clothes. It will make sense if we base on things that have been made and finished by other people, but which we don't own until someone buys them from us. I have thought about this before, but I've never found any good solutions. There are lots of different kinds of goods that need storage: houses, cars, boats and planes; furniture; machinery; software; even entire towns can be kept in warehouses until someone comes along to buy them.

Most of these kinds of goods can't be stored very easily at all. Houses need a lot of space and cannot be moved easily (either by moving people or by moving the building itself). Cars need parking spaces and garages, which are often expensive to build. Boats and planes need docking places on rivers or lakes, which are often difficult to get near enough to make it feasible for people who want to transport them conveniently. Furniture requires large rooms with high ceilings so that it doesn't take up too much space when it's not being moved around much. Machinery needs large rooms with lots of space around each piece. Security is also one big aspect we should look into.