How to make money on from YouTube without uploading videos


VIP Contributor
Youtube is a very big platform anyone can capitalise on to make some good amount of money for themselves. There are actually several opportunities to make money from Youtube without uploading your own videos.

One of the ways I have realised to make money with YouTube without uploading your videos is to use creative Commons videos. If you go to creative common section you will see a lot of videos there and you can download and edit them and use on your own channel.
Most of them can be monetized.

Another beautiful thing about it is that you can use it to promote affiliate products and makes a good amount of money from it.
What you need to simply do is to make the videos very much enticing and at description of the video you can put your affiliate links there.

Another way to make money from Youtube without uploading videos is through YouTube channel flipping. This is a great business you can start but you need a lot of money to do so. You can buy monetized Youtube channels and grow it to a reasonable extent and sell them for a higher money. That is the business some people do to make some good amount of money for themselves.

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